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March 23, 2022

Kevin Na

Austin, Texas, USA

Austin Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. You were 3-down at one point today. How did you bring yourself back?

KEVIN NA: I have no idea. I think the big momentum switch was on 10. I made about a 30-footer. He was in there about eight feet and missed so instead of going 4-down I was 2-down and I just hit a lot of good shots and made some putts that I needed to and had things go my way.

Q. You have a reputation for being very difficult to play against in match play, do you like that reputation?

KEVIN NA: Why not, right? It's match play, if they don't like playing against me, that's a good thing.

I think that I'm a -- I grind, I fight, and I makes some putts, so when I'm playing well, I can be tough to beat.

But like I said, it's one day and it, anything can happen. You lose focus for a split second, you lose. It's a love and hate relationship with this match play.

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