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April 15, 2003

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Can you tell us a little something about the exciting times you've had this week and how you feel about it.

RAFAEL NADAL: I'm very pleased to win past the first round, and I won today. I'm playing well. I played very well, and especially today I played particularly well.

Q. In what way?

RAFAEL NADAL: In fact, the way I played better today, it's because I was more aggressive and I was better adapted to the surface. So, generally speaking, it's because I was more aggressive than usual. It was better - I think better.

Q. You played two tournaments in Italy : One, you lost in the final; and one, you won the tournament. So you start to learn Italian?

RAFAEL NADAL: (Shaking his head no). No, in two weeks it's a bit short to learn Italian.

BENITO PEREZ-BARBADILLO: He said he found himself very well over there but didn't have time to learn Italian.

Q. I believe you started to play tennis when you were very young, about four someone told me. How did that come about? Who has been your inspiration to start so young, and who has been your inspiration since then?

RAFAEL NADAL: I started like everyone else, just for playing a sport, doing a sport twice a week. My uncle, who is my coach, saw me playing. And the first time I played I already had a good touch, I already played well. So afterwards, I started practicing more and more. At 11 and 12 years old, I was twice champion of Spain. After that, I continued.

Q. Today the conditions were very difficult, very windy. You only made four unforced errors. You seemed to manage the situation very well. How come you can, at such a young age, play in such difficult conditions?

RAFAEL NADAL: In fact, it's a matter of habit. I played many matches already and many of them with wind, so you just have to continue to play your normal game without thinking about the conditions. Because the conditions do not depend on you, you have no influence on the conditions, so you just have to play your game and continue as usual.

Q. What relationship do you have with Carlos Moya, who gives you advice, and what relationship do you have with Albert Costa, who will be your next opponent?

RAFAEL NADAL: I've been knowing Carlos Moya for a long time now, so we know each other pretty well. In fact, Costa, I don't know him as well because I don't go very often to Barcelona. But once I went with Moya to Barcelona and we got together and we saw each other, yes.

Q. In the juniors or in the age tournaments, do you ever play Gasquet?

RAFAEL NADAL: I played once against Gasquet four years ago as a junior and I lost 6-7, 6-3, 6-4 in Tarbes.

Q. It was a final or...?

RAFAEL NADAL: Quarterfinal.

Q. Moya said that in two years maximum you could be in the Top 10. Do you feel pressure because of that?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, I have no pressure because I'm 100 now and I must work still a lot. Nothing comes easily. Things are very complicated and there are very good players out there.

Q. Are you going to school?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, I'm going to school. I finished my last year of secondary school, obligatory school. Last year I finished that, and I tried to study more this year but it's becoming more and more impossible because I'm never at home. When I go back to classes, I'm a bit lost, but I'm still trying.

Q. How do you feel playing the winner of the French Open tomorrow?

RAFAEL NADAL: I'm very eager to play that match because he's the winner of the French Open and he plays well. It is going to be a sort of test, a challenge for me. Maybe I will not win, but I'll try to be able to play against him.

Q. Were you watching tennis on television, and did you ever ask, as a junior, for an autograph from a player? Do you have a hero?

RAFAEL NADAL: In fact, I used to watch television when I was younger, tennis, but I never asked for an autograph to anybody. But the player I prefer was always Carlos Moya.

Q. I think quite a few people in this room are expecting me to ask this question. Have you ever played on grass (laughter)?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, I played last year in Juniors in Wimbledon and I lost in the semis.

Q. Against?


Q. Moya said that he never saw a player of your age play so well. What do you feel about it?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I'm very grateful to him to say nice things about me, but I believe other players are playing like me at my age. In fact, I don't know.

Q. When you played against Volandri, was it him who played better, or you played worse, or the reverse?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, it was the finals in Italy. Well, I started off well in the first set winning 6-2, but afterwards I started the second set average, let's say. There was a volley which was disputed, which was a sort of bad call, and I got very angry. It was 2-all at that point, and the umpire gave him the point. After that, I was out of my mind and he started playing very well from there on. The truth is that I wasn't playing very well at all. And every time I was giving him the ball, he was playing a winner. But I saw him play the whole week and he was playing very well, winning easily his matches, and I already knew the finals would be very complicated for me. Also, it was my third finals, so I was nervous because I lost the first two, so I was nervous.

End of FastScripts….

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