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March 3, 2022

Xiyu Lin

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. A pretty good way to start the tournament. It looked like you had a pretty colorful front nine there, which was your back nine. Tell us about your round.

XI YU LIN: Yeah, I started in the 10s and then had a little bit -- like 10, 11, missed some birdie putts, and 12 make a bogey, and then bounced back really quickly, and then lost it again.

So like my swing wasn't feeling like a hundred percent today. So I've been hitting a little off line. And especially to me, missing on the left is pretty painful. But I've done that a lot at the front nine. So that's why I have some bogeys. But then I tried to get them together.

Actually, somehow it helped when the wind picks up because then I kind of have a more clear mind and then kind of play safer, not really swing that hard. So then it goes straighter.

Yeah, so back nine was way more consistent. And then I had lots of good putts. Last couple holes, it was a little weak, but then I think overall I'm really happy with my performance.

Q. Did the wind pick up on that back nine do you think? Was it different from the front nine?

XI YU LIN: It definitely started to pick up at my 6, 7, 8 hole, and that's like my two -- my bogeys on 17 and 18 was all because of the wind. Like 17 I hit a really good one, but with the downwind, I just couldn't stop it. So my ball end up -- was right next to the edge, the rough and the fairway. So it's hard to chip. So that was it.

And then 18 into the wind make that hole super long. So I didn't make par as well. But then when it turn around I think there's a little more opportunity at the front nine. So I just tell myself like yeah, you're in pretty good shape, 1-under, making the turn, just keep going.

Q. How was dealing with the heat?

XI YU LIN: Oh. Well, I should be good at it. But I think I'm okay because last year we had the tournament in May, and it was way hotter. So I think I'm pretty good. I reapply sunscreen and I just -- yeah, just two weeks, I need to really stay hydrated and then don't get sunburned too badly and then just get over this with the heat.

Q. Do you try to make it a point to drink more while you're out there?

XI YU LIN: I'm pretty good at drinking water. Like I pretty much drink literally every hole. But for here, it's not just water, I think you need to mix it up with energy drinks and kind of eat more bananas, something that digests quicker.

And, yeah, not just water. Because the first day, practice round, even only playing nine holes, I only drank water, and then I still had a headache. So I found it's really useful, they had the energy drink out on the course. So mixing that with water, it tastes better.

Q. You came through the HSBC junior program in China. How nice is it to do well in the professional tournament now sponsored by HSBC?

XI YU LIN: Yeah, I mean, HSBC has been a partner or a sponsor, like a helper for me along the way. Like I played the junior tournaments, and I think first year I got on Tour, I got a sponsor playing the HSBC, this tournament, but it's another course. And then like right now -- that's like, to me, it's a good reward for last season that I get into this tournament.

And I really enjoy my stay in Singapore. Even more this time when we get to go out, and the hotel is in such a great location. Also reminds me a lot of my hometown in China. So I got a little homesick because I haven't been home quite like for two years. So seeing the buildings feel really like comfortable to me.

And, yeah, so it's great to be back playing, and this will definitely -- like playing in this tournament will be definitely one of the most important week of the season for me.

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