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August 29, 2003

Rafael Nadal


MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. How would you describe the whole match, like a summary of the match? How did you see the match?

RAFAEL NADAL: I was serving pretty well, and I was unlucky on a few balls when I had the chance to change the momentum. I was unlucky in those points, so...

Q. What aspect of your game gave you the most problems today?

RAFAEL NADAL: I served pretty well. I mean, I returned pretty well, but he served too well for me today. In those courts it's very important to have a good serve. That make the difference today.

Q. How different was this match from the last time you played?

RAFAEL NADAL: There hasn't been a lot of difference from the last game. The last game was also kind of tight. And it was on clay; that makes some difference. I played a little bit better than the last time we played.

Q. You played an unbelievable point where you hit that overhead. How did that affect your thinking for the rest of the match?

RAFAEL NADAL: I won most of the rallies of this game, but it didn't help me anyway, so...

Q. But that particular one?

RAFAEL NADAL: It is just a point. It doesn't mean anything after all, so...

Q. Do you take any consolation -- I know that a loss is a loss, but you were in there, like, the entire way. I don't know how to explain it.

RAFAEL NADAL: I'm a fighter. I fight all the time. Even, I was down 5-2 in the third set. I fought back and I got a break back. In the tiebreak I had my chances. But, still, I missed that point when we were at 6-6.

Q. Like you said, you served well throughout the match. But when you broke El Aynaoui in the third set, did you think at that point that you had a chance to turn the match around and that the match was going to five sets?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, that was the purpose of breaking. If I could have lost in four sets, I prefer to lose in four sets than in three sets - or five sets. I wanted to take the game to another set, but I was unable to force another set.

Q. That point at 6-all, there was an unforced error forehand. You never made that kind of mistake the whole match. Was it nerves? Were you thinking ahead? What was the problem? Why did you make such a big mistake?

RAFAEL NADAL: I wanted to play to his forehand, and that was more difficult. I should have played to his backhand like I had been doing most of the game.

Q. So it was the wrong decision?

RAFAEL NADAL: It didn't make a big difference. It was almost the last point, but there were many points before, so, that I lost.

Q. You had a great year at Wimbledon. Even with this loss, it's still not a bad showing, especially for someone your age. How do you feel about that, and what are your hopes for the majors next year?

RAFAEL NADAL: I'm not thinking too far in time right now. I just want to focus on playing well. If you play well, practice well, the ranking is gonna show how good you are practicing or playing. So I'm not really nervous - or whatever you want to call it - for next Grand Slams, next big tournaments, Masters Series, whatever.

Q. What are your goals for your game? What are you working on improving? How are you training?

RAFAEL NADAL: I'm trying to improve all shots, but I want to give more strength to my power shots. I'm working on my serve and my slice backhand, which I think I need to improve a little more to be more competitive.

Q. How do you see yourself in relation to the big names in Spain?

RAFAEL NADAL: I have a lot of respect for them, but I have the desire, I want to practice and get better so I can maybe in the future be among those Top 5 or Top 10. But, still, there are just 10 places for 10 players. There are too many players right now playing very well. It's gonna be tough for me, but I have the desire. That's the main point.

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