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January 22, 2005

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You must be pleased with your current form.


Q. It was rather easy for you there tonight.

RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, I am. I am happy. I play the first set and the second set I think I play very well. In the final of the match, I little bit scared, but it's okay. Finally I have one breakpoint down in the 5-2 -- in the 5-3. I have matchpoint in the 5-1, 5-2. I don't have good luck in these two points. But finally I can won in the 5-3.

(Rafael switches to Spanish.)

TRANSLATOR: He hit a very good right hand in the deuce.

RAFAEL NADAL: And I can win the match.

Q. It looks like it's going to be Hewitt next round. You played him last year. Are you looking forward to that?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah. Last year I lost against him here, and I play in Australia and in Toronto. Here I lost 7-6, 7-6, 6-3. And in Toronto I lost 6-1 for me, 6-4 for him, and 6-3 for him, no? It's very, very difficult match, hard. But I am playing good. I am in the fourth round. Is my best result in one Grand Slam. I have confidence with this match, no. I want play very good match. If I play very good match and Hewitt not his best match, I think I have one chance.

End of FastScripts….

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