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March 29, 2005

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. What was the difference today in the match?

RAFAEL NADAL: The difference between what?

Q. The difference in you winning and losing. It was a very hard-fought match, especially the tiebreaker. What did you do right?

RAFAEL NADAL: I won because I played very well. I played very aggressive. In thought it looks like Ljubicic is just holding the match with his serve, but in reality he plays good from the back of the court and puts a lot of pressure. So I had to stay aggressive and fight hard and I returned well. That was the key of the match.

Q. Can you talk about the tiebreaker. What happened there?

RAFAEL NADAL: I think two points hurt me in the tiebreak: One crosscourt forehand which hit the tape and went out, then the backhand volley at 5-All in the tiebreak.

Q. How hot was it out there today? How tough was it with the conditions?

RAFAEL NADAL: Compared to the early days of the tournament, I suffered the climate much more before, especially down in Brazil. It was more humid than today.

Q. You do very well in Key Biscayne, here. Is this one of your favorite tournaments? Why do you do so well? What is it about this place?

RAFAEL NADAL: I only played two years here in Key Biscayne, so... I think the surface suits my game because it's not too fast, and I like it.

Q. Last year when you beat Federer here, how big was that for your career and your motivation?

RAFAEL NADAL: You always have motivation, but obviously I rate that as one of my best matches because I think Federer is the best player. I certainly have good memories about that match.

Q. Can you just say what you feel you're doing best now and what you feel like you need to improve.

RAFAEL NADAL: Now I've got much better ball control in my match, and I think I should improve the backhand slice. I was very happy today with how my serve worked because in the previous match I wasn't too happy about my serve.

End of FastScripts….

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