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April 1, 2005

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Rafael at 18 years 10 months, the youngest player to reach the final here in the tournament's 21-year history. He is looking to become the first Spanish player to win the tournament as well on Sunday. Questions for Rafael.

Q. What do you call your pants? Are they pedal-pushers?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, it's okay. I like the shorts. It's comfortable. It's okay. I gonna play with the shorts all year, no.

Q. What do you call them?


Q. You've won 15 matches in a row. You're coming off two straight titles. How confident are you that you're on top of your game right now going into the championship here?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I was play very good in South America. I think won the last tournaments is important for my confidence, no? Here, I begin the tournament, the first matches, a little bit nervous against Schuettler. The second match is not easy against Verdasco. He was play very good the first match against Roddick. I only try play my best tennis and fight every match. I am very happy with my tennis, no, because I am improve every day. I think today is not my best match, but against Ljubicic and Johansson, especially, I play very, very good match.

Q. In Copa Davis, why did you not play singles?

RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. In Copa Davis I think is good decision for the captain. Verdasco, he was playing very, very good here in indoor carpet. And for me, is, well (completed answer in Spanish)...

Q. Will you at all, if it is Federer in the final, be thinking back to that evening last year here?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, I think every match is different. And this is I have another year. I have 19 now...

Q. 18 (laughter).

RAFAEL NADAL: No, I have 18 now (laughing). Last year I have 17. I really think I play one of my best matches. I think I improve in my shots and my serve. But the last year against Federer, I play one of my best matches in my career, no? I play unbelievable, and I really hope I play the same match this year...

TRANSLATOR: To play as well as he did last year, but also with improvements.

Q. Many players, when they play Federer, are intimidated, think that even when they go out on court.

RAFAEL NADAL: Normally, no? Federer won all matches. I hope Federer don't play one of his best matches. And if he don't play very, very well, and I play one of my best matches, I think I have a little bit chance, no, in case Federer win.

Q. So last year you played one of your best matches, but he didn't play one of his?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, I think he don't play good match last year, no, because he was the No. 1 and he is the No. 1. And if he play very good, and I play very good, he won (smiling).

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