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April 3, 2005

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. I'm sure you're unhappy that you lost this, being so close to winning it. Are you still happy with the tournament, how it went from today?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I am happy for my tennis. I am improving. I am playing good. But today I won two sets to Love, 4-1 in the third, 4-3, Love-30, and the ball, the forehand of Federer, is out, should. The referee say good. But 5-3 in the tiebreak, he play one forehand on the line. But he is the No. 1, no? He won this matches and I am happy with my tennis and not too happy for the result final, no?

Q. After you were unable to win the third set, his momentum began to build and you seemed to lose a little power off your ground strokes that you had in the first two sets. Did you have a sense that it was slipping away from you in the fourth set?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I lost little bit power in the fourth and five, I think. But in the third I have a good sensation, no, good feelings. I was playing good tennis and I am with confidence for win the match, no? But he play good the important moments, and I feel good. I think I play good match all time. But in the fifth set when he break me, the serve, I lost.

Q. Were you tired?

RAFAEL NADAL: (Through translation) He said at 4-3, he was still fighting.

Q. In the third set, when Federer throws his racquet, what was your reaction? Is that a point where you think "I've got him now"? How did you react when you saw he was so upset and frustrated?

RAFAEL NADAL: He broke the racquet I think in the 5-4, no, in the 5-4 in the third. So I... (Through translation). He says that there was a ball that they called in and that he was told it was, even on TV, that they saw it called out. It became 0-40, and he had to serve.

Q. My question was about your reaction to Federer throwing his racquet.

RAFAEL NADAL: (Through translation) He's played with a lot of players that throw their racquets. Of course it's surprising to see Federer throw his racquet, but it makes you think you're closer to victory because he's frustrated and throwing his racquet.

Q. What does that say about Federer, that even with 73 errors he's able to come back and win?

RAFAEL NADAL: (Through translation) Federer is a player who makes mistakes, and that's not his strength. His strength is the way he can surprise you, and that usually in those important moments he doesn't make mistakes.

Q. Rafael, except for a brief period in the second set when Federer began to hit the ball very, very well, he was having a very difficult time handling the extreme spin that you put on the ball. Near the end of the second set did you feel very confident that, "I can win this match. He's not handling my ground strokes"?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, I don't think I can won for the spin, no, I think I can won because I won two sets to Love and I am playing good, I have good feelings. I only think about the next points, no. I hope break the next game and think about the next set, no. (Through translation) He says that he played a very close game and he could have had it, and it wasn't because of the topspin that he could have won the game. It was because he was playing at his level and Federer had more pressure than he did.

Q. In the fifth set, was it experience that gave Federer the edge, or were you tired?

RAFAEL NADAL: (Through translation) In the fifth set, once you get to that point, it's not really about experience. Federer hasn't lost in a very long time, and at that point he doesn't think...

Q. After the break of serve.

RAFAEL NADAL: (Through translation) Yeah, after the break.

Q. What are your plans for the future?

RAFAEL NADAL: I gonna play Valencia now. I play against Ferrero first round (smiling). Good draw (laughing)? I play Valencia, is the first tournament for prepare Monte-Carlo. Monte-Carlo, Barcelona, I stop one week, and I play the next two Masters Series in Rome, Hamburg. I stop one week for play the French Open if I don't have injury for the first time.

Q. You came very close. I know it's disappointing. But this match was watched in 200 countries around the world. Were you having a good time out there, the way you were playing?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yes. (Through translation) Any time he plays well and then he plays matches like these, he has fun. But as soon as you lose the last point, the fun stops.

Q. Before the tournament started I sat on Stadium Court and watched you practice for an hour with your good friend Feliciano Lopez. You seemed to struggle with that practice session. Did you ever in your wildest imagination think about the fact that you might get to the final and be within two points of taking the title?

RAFAEL NADAL: (Through translation) He said he had been playing on clay before coming here and he had just gotten here. Of course at that point you're not thinking about the final unless, you know, you're playing against a Federer or Safin. In the first round, and he played Schuettler.

Q. Is he surprised that he made it to the final?

RAFAEL NADAL: Is my first final of Masters Series, no? I am little bit surprised. But I am playing good and I only hope not the last, no.

Q. It certainly looked like at the end you ran out of energy. Were you more tired physically or more tired emotionally at the end of the match?

RAFAEL NADAL: (Through translation) He says it was a little bit of both. When you get to that point and you're playing against the best player in the world, he thinks he was prepared mentally, but at that point when you're playing against the best player in the world it's tough mentally as well.

Q. There's still seven weeks before you play your first French Open. Are you prepared to think that you are one of the favorites in that tournament, even though it could be your first try?

RAFAEL NADAL: (Through translation) He says he's never played the French Open. He has a lot of other tournaments before then that he's concentrating on, three Masters Series tournaments that are just as important in his points for his ranking that he needs to concentrate on and is very intent on doing well in.

Q. What do you feel you did well today and what mistakes did you make?

RAFAEL NADAL: (Through translation) He says he thinks he did a lot well. One of the biggest improvements was his serve. He says that if he can improve his serve and get points off his serve, that's one of the things he needs to improve on. And the control of his shots, control more the direction of his shots as well is something he needs to improve on, the placement of his shots.

Q. At what point did you realize that you weren't going to be able to win this match?

RAFAEL NADAL: (Through translation) In the fifth set, when I was losing 4-1, that's when I lost hope, in the second break.

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