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December 29, 2021

Darryl Jones

Tarheeb Still

Bronx, New York, USA

Yankee Stadium

Maryland Terrapins

Press Conference

Maryland 54, Virginia Tech 10

Q. I'll start with Darryl. Do you feel like you had kind of been waiting for a game like this? What led into you having such a career day in this last game of your career?

DARRYL JONES: This is highly anticipated. There was nothing really special about today or this preparation. It's been the same thing for each year, each game. It's just my time has come this last game. It was convenient that it was the last one in the bowl game. Same preparation every week.

Q. This one is for Tarheeb. Special teams has kind of been a bit of a struggle all season, and the first time you get to touch the ball, you get to break one 92 yards for a touchdown. How good did that feel just to get out there, and what did you see out there that allowed you to break that?

TARHEEB STILL: Well, it actually felt real good. Guys have been bugging me about it all year that I haven't really been doing that on punt return, so now that I finally made a play in this type of environment, it felt good. Actually, I just caught the ball. My guys, they blocked it up real good for me, so I would have been a fool not to return it. They did their part, so I just had to do mine.

Q. I have a question for Tarheeb. More on the defensive side, you guys didn't know exactly what you were going to be going up against when you came into the game. Talk about adjustments in game and how it felt seeing Virginia Tech in those moments and how you guys adjusted.

TARHEEB STILL: We just had to prepare as best we could, and then just get ready for all the guys that we possibly could face, so the coaches did a good job of scouting, and then they got all the film of all the players that we could potentially play. They had a real good idea of who would be out there, but come game time you never really know who is going to play, but I feel like we did a good job preparing for the game. We had good preparation. That's what led to the success.

Q. This one for Darryl. I asked Coach Locks about this, about Taulia's performance, and he says he hopes he earns some respect today. What do you think about that? Would you agree with that?

DARRYL JONES: Could you repeat that one more time?

Q. Just I asked Coach Locks about this, about Taulia's performance today, and I asked what he feels like Taulia proved today, and he said he hoped that he earned some respect and proved critics wrong. What do you think about that? Would you agree with that?

DARRYL JONES: I would definitely agree. You could see from the start of the season to now how Taulia has progressed. People sometimes forget with his name that he is still a young kid learning, and you can see that he can learn, and he has progressed, and I think he has done a fantastic job from coming in, taking over, being the leader, and showing people how he works and how to work, and he is just pushing and pulling guys along every day. I definitely do think that Taulia has proved some critics wrong.

Q. With all the games that had to get canceled because of COVID and things like that, how much work did the team put in to make smart choices over the course of the last few weeks and make sure you were able to get here on to the field and be able to play this game?

TARHEEB STILL: Well, I would say that looking around the country and seeing a lot of games get canceled, it was kind like, dang, I hope our game doesn't get canceled. I feel like guys on the team made the right precautions. We knew it would be a chance that it could happen, but only if we were reckless and didn't really take the proper protocols to keep ourselves and the people around us safe. We took care of business. We wore masks. We stayed away from people. We had our eye on this game because we knew it was important, and it was a game that we needed to play, so I feel like guys just really took it serious off the field.

DARRYL JONES: I would definitely agree with Tarheeb because we haven't been to a bowl since 2016. No one on the roster had been to it. As far as us 25 seniors, we were really pushing guys and keeping and making sure we were on top of the masks because we wanted to play so bad. We felt like we deserved it.

Q. This question for Darryl. What was it like catching two touchdowns at Yankee Stadium? That must be one of those cool moments that you are always going to remember when you get my age.

DARRYL JONES: For it being our first bowl and being my first two touchdowns scoring in Yankee Stadium is -- when it happened, I wasn't really thinking about it. I'm just, like, let's keep going. Let's keep going. Thinking about it, it really is crazy. This is my first time being here, first time scoring, first time bowl game. I'll definitely remember this. I'll tell this story for I don't know how many years, but it's definitely special.

Q. My question is for Darryl. It's the first time in a while that the program has had a winning season, and it's clear there's been a lot of development as a team both on and off the field. In your opinion, how do you think that today not only getting to a bowl game but winning a bowl game is a turning point for this program and shows kind of the potential that there is in the future?

DARRYL JONES: I just want to talk about my 2018 class, how we came in. This was kind of our goal when we came in. We all had our officials, and, yeah, we're going to come in and play and try to turn this program around. We've accomplished what we set out to do. People don't understand how hard it is getting to a bowl game. Getting the six wins was hard, and this was a first step of many, so we helped them get to this step and now next year seven, eight wins, more bowl games. It's just going to build on top of each other. I think the sky is the limit if we keep at the trajectory that we've been at this whole time. I definitely think that they're going to be contenders in the next few years.

Q. You just mentioned seniors. What is the biggest thing that you guys are going to remember about them, and you guys got to play a bowl game through a pandemic. You got to play in Yankee Stadium, go to the 9/11 Memorial, and you got to experience New York. What was that like for you?

DARRYL JONES: New York I think is all that I thought it was. I have never been here, so seeing there were so many people, all the tall buildings. I have never been to a city or anything like that, and I know that's true for a lot of us seniors. Being here and getting to come here was just amazing. And all the staff that helped with the Pinstripe Bowl, they kept everything organized, kept us safe and everything, so it was just a great time all around. We'll definitely remember this as being our first and pushing this program to take the next step and just we had fun with it. We had to practice, but that just comes with it, but we were excited to be here. Everyone had fun. I don't feel like we went out here and messed around too much because we showed it by the scoreboard. We prepped, but we still had fun at the same time. I think that's what it's all about.

Q. If this question is actually for both of you guys. I know throughout the season it's been a little bit of limbo, but you guys were able to complete the task of winning a bowl game. What did you take away from this season as a whole from the struggles to the hard times to the victories that you guys are dealing with now?

TARHEEB STILL: I'll say it just shows that if you just keep grinding and you stay true to what you are trying to do, that the end result can still -- you can still get a good positive end result. It's not what we wanted, but I feel like it is the next step for the program. Taking it to the next step is something this school hasn't done in a long time.

Also, I would say the ups and downs of the season, that's going to happen. It's just how you stick together. It's like a brotherhood. This team, guys just bonded together. Guys knew what they wanted to do and came together to do it one last time.

DARRYL JONES: As far as that I would say it goes back to what Coach Locks has been saying at the beginning. Our season will be dictated by our discipline and how we handled adversity. Even some of the bad games we played where the execution wasn't there, we still played very hard, and I think playing hard through the bad games and losses is what's important and what has been -- like we've taken back and really looked at and evaluated to what we need to get fixed for next time.

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