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April 13, 2005

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Were you a little surprised how well you started, how brilliantly you started?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, I play very well the first set. I am happy for that. I play little bit more aggressive. I know that, no, the last match I play little bit defensive. This match I begin the match with the (intention of going forward.) I say I will try, and I play good.

Q. Your English is improving very much.

RAFAEL NADAL: Is improving a lot, huh (smiling)?

Q. Do you spend a lot of time studying, or is it just you pick it up?

RAFAEL NADAL: I don't study, and every day I have a press conference. Is okay. After five years, I think I can speak (smiling).

Q. When you see an opponent who is -- in the first set, his body language was bad, he was getting down with himself. Does that make you feel pretty good about what you're doing?

RAFAEL NADAL: No. The first game he play good, the first two games. He have chance. He have breakpoint in the first games, in the second game 30-All. He playing good. But when I put 2-0, he's little bit relax. I think he sees a difficult match and he knows it's tough for him, no?

Q. What aspect of your game are you most pleased with at the moment? What do you think you need to improve on, if anything in particular?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I think now my best thing is I have a lot of concentration when I play. I never - well, never - sometimes, I miss a little bit. Unforced errors, only a little bit. I need to improve a lot my serve. I need to improve a little bit my winner, forehand. I am improving. I think the last year, this year, I improve a lot some things.

Q. Do you have very good memories of this court? Do you think it brings out the best in you, playing here?

RAFAEL NADAL: I have very good memories here. Is my first tournament, my first important tournament. I was play very well. I won the qualify and I won two matches against Kucera and Costa. I never forget that, this tournament. I hope now I improve. My best round is third round (inaudible). And nothing more (smiling).

Q. Two years ago, if you look back at that win over Costa, you were very young. How significant was that for your development?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I remember, but this is very important moment for me because I was playing good. I won two challengers before and I played the final in Cagliari, I won Barletta. I am improving my tennis on clay. When I was arrive here two years before, I have lot of confidence because I won a lot of matches consecutive, no? And I arrive here and won two matches. For me is very important because I can see I can play with the professionals players, no, with the best players.

Q. With the serve, improving your serve, is it a matter of technique or just getting more power or just more practice?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, I need a lot. I need practice a lot and I need get little bit confidence, no? I can serve (powerfully and high speed), but I need confidence for improve the shot, no? I need improve in the practice for when I play, I have a good serve, no? And I need get the confidence in the practice for after I have good serve in the match, no? But I am happy with the improve this year, no?

Q. And with being a left-hander, a left-hander with a very good serve has got a tremendous advantage probably.

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I know, because I have the slice. If I will be serve well, is very important for the secure in the match, no, because I return well. Is important for me improve that.

Q. Have you thought about your chances at the French Open, because you couldn't play the last two years?

RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. I will, I will try play. I will play tournament in Monte-Carlo, in Barcelona, in Roma, in Hamburg. When I know what is my results in this tournaments, I know what is my chance for the French Open, no, because I don't know now what is my level.

Q. Aren't you worried of overplaying because you've played Miami, you're playing here, you played Valencia last week, Hamburg, Rome. Don't you think you might have a bit too many matches before going to the French Open?

RAFAEL NADAL: The tennis is, I don't know, no? Because I can lose in first round, I can lose in quarterfinal, in second round, in semifinal. So if I play too many matches, I will see. I will see. But I don't know now. I only hope play good this tournaments. After, I have one week off. I play in three tournaments - Valencia, Monte-Carlo, Barcelona - week off, Rome, Hamburg, week off, and Paris. I think is good, a good schedule.

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