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May 3, 2005

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Can you explain about the confidence you have at the moment after so many good matches?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I am playing good. I won the last two tournaments when I play. This first round I am happy because I play very good match, I begin very well the first set. And after I lost the first game in the second set, he have some mistakes. But after, after this game, I come back another time, play very, very well. And I am happy because the first round is always difficult, difficult round, no?

Q. What do you think about the Davis Cup match, Italy versus Spain?

RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. Is in September, I think?

Q. Yes.

RAFAEL NADAL: Is in September. Is lot of months. This is a difficult, difficult match, no? Italy have a good team: Volandri, Starace, Sanguinetti. So is difficult, and we have confidence for the won the confrontation. But we know is a difficult confrontation, no?

Q. You must be pleased with today's performance against Youzhny. He is a very good player, yet you had a very good performance against him.

RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, is a difficult match. He have good ranking, he now is 26. But he was injured the last month, but before the injury his number is 15. I play against him in Australia. I have -- I was -- I had matchpoint down in the fourth set in Australia, and I won in the fifth set. So I happy because I won easy, and that's good for my physical... performance?


RAFAEL NADAL: Condition, condition (smiling).

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