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December 4, 2021

Isi Gabsa

Mobile, Alabama, USA

Magnolia Grove

Quick Quotes

Q. That seemed like a pretty solid steady day for you today.


Q. You seem pretty happy. How are you feeling right now?

ISI GABSA: I'm happy with the round. I don't know what the other girls played. My national coach just said, Be happy about that round. I missed couple of putts on 15, 16, and 17 that were a little bit shorter; just misread.

And then bogey 18 doesn't get you too happy and excited about being in the clubhouse, but I'm happy taking 3-under on a tough course with couple like tough pin positions out there.

So definitely taking that 3-under today.

Q. You had a bunch of birdies early. Any one of those that really stood out to you?

ISI GABSA: More like a par that stood out.

Q. Where was that?

ISI GABSA: On 8. Yeah, the dogleg left, uphill0. I had a weird lie, like just off the fairway, pin to the right, chunked my lob shot and then chipped in for par.

Yeah, that was probably like the most memorable today.

Q. I always find it interesting after a great day a lot of times it comes back to the par save or sometimes the bogey save. That's what kept me aline.


Q. Golf so weird, isn't it?

ISI GABSA: It is so strange. Yeah, sometimes like you're this far apart from your partner. The one can go for the green and you have to layup. Yeah, it's what you get on the day.

Q. Three rounds in. A lot of time to go still. After three rounds, still playing solid. One more round to go. What's your game plan for the next five rounds, and thinking to tomorrow where, I mean, a lot could change certainly, but the goal is getting to 70 and ties and getting to next week.

ISI GABSA: Right. I just want to keep it as a tournament. Like four rounds, four rounds. It's just a normal tournament. Nothing crazy.

I have the bet going on with my brother. He gets some Legos if I make top 10 at the end of the week, so he is very excited if I'm up there somewhere.

But I just want to keep it as normal as I could, like as Q-School crazy is enough.

So, yeah, just a normal tournament, normal field, normal golf. It's nothing else than golf.

Q. Is that your brother caddieing for you?


Q. What's his name?

ISI GABSA: Pascal, P-a-s-c-a-l.

Q. And you said you have your national coach here as well.

ISI GABSA: Uh-huh.

Q. What's his name?

ISI GABSA: Stephan.

Q. S-t-e-f...

ISI GABSA: p-h-a-n, yeah.

Q. That's got to mean a lot, to have family and I would think family literally with your brother, and someone you're as close to as your coach here with you this week.

ISI GABSA: Yeah, like my brother always caddies for me at Q-School. Like that's his job already at the beginning of the year. It's like, If you have to go to Q-School. I'm signed up and I will book my flight. So he's always out there. He's been on my bag since 13 years now.

Q. Okay.

ISI GABSA: And always been there. So, yeah, very happy about having him, and with coach being here, also on the National Team for the past 12 years, so we know each other for a long time. He knows like just by walking how I feel.

So like he knows what to say, what not to say, yeah.

Q. I noticed he went right up to you here on the green, and knowing you bogeyed maybe giving a, Hey, roll it off, it's still good moment?

ISI GABSA: Yeah, it was just like walk to the clubhouse and you will be happy as soon as you are in the clubhouse.

Q. Yes. One last question about your brother. Does he live in Germany or here in states or somewhere else?

ISI GABSA: He just finished his PGA professional degree two weeks ago and he's back in Munich teaching 14 year old girls team, yeah.

Q. That's awesome.

ISI GABSA: Yeah, it was cool. Couple of his girls came up and were like, Can you bring a hat with you back home? I want to have her autograph. Could you ask her for one?

It's my brother so it's like nothing crazy. I'm just like his little sister. If I'm at his golf club where he's teaching I'm still his little sister. Nothing crazy.

But like the little girls come up and like, Can we get a ball? Yeah, they're kind of cute.

Q. That's awesome. That has to make you happy. Certainly you do it for yourself, but to see the effect it's having on the next generation.

ISI GABSA: Yeah, like apparently one girl came to him and said, One day I want to be as good as your sister. Yeah.

Q. That's awesome. Who did you look up to when you were their age?

ISI GABSA: Couple of girls like, Ochoa was definitely one. Tiger just being Tiger. Pretty much those two that I looked up to. And then my brother, he played, too. So yeah, like the three of them.

Q. Awesome. And now you're that to them. That's pretty cool.


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