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December 3, 2021

Kelly Tan

Mobile, Alabama, USA

Magnolia Grove

Quick Quotes

Q. Good round today?

KELLY TAN: Yeah, it was a great round. Had a really good start and a finish, and actually I had so many birdie chance today. It's one of those days you can't complain. Even though I shot minus 6, I probably missed, you know, five putts inside ten feet.

But that's just the positive that I will take out of today, and, yeah, it's a good round to post that score.

Q. Played the Falls course yesterday; played Crossing today. Obviously got around the Crossing course a little easier. Do you find Crossing easier than Falls or what's your opinion?

KELLY TAN: Yeah, I think the only difference really is on the Crossing you have four par-5s. I felt like the design are pretty similar. If anything the Falls is a little tighter. But at the end of the day you still got to hit your shot.

Yeah, I just find that over there you have three par-5s that are not reachable and here there are two that are reachable, so that's really the only different.

And I played as good yesterday; just made a few more putts today.

Q. Have you played in Q-Series before?


Q. So you're familiar with the grind that this eight rounds is?

KELLY TAN: Uh-huh.

Q. How are you trying to pace yourself?

KELLY TAN: Yeah, it's not a race. I shot even yesterday. You know, you do feel like, oh, my God, people go out and shoot 6-under, but I also know it's eight rounds.

Yeah, you just got to be consistent out here. Even par or a couple under a day it's a lot, so just focus on don't grind too hard after the round. Just really want to conserve my energy.

Yeah, it's a marathon, so...

Q. How calming is it to shoot a 6-under 66 after having an even par day where you may have been kind of like, I left a few out there?

KELLY TAN: Yeah, like I said, I walked out first thing I said is, God, I should have been 8, 9, 10 today.

But, again, 6-under, it's a great score on either course, so I will take it and bank it. I really can't complain. Only thing I need to look at today is great ball striking day.

You know, sure, I could have been a few more, but it's just really encouraging knowing that my ball striking is right there.

I have, what, 108 more holes to go? So 108 chances, yeah.

Q. Heading into the weekend what's the mindset?

KELLY TAN: I think I just want to keep doing the same thing. I'm hitting my driver and irons really well, so I'm going to have a lot of good looks. I just need to be patient.

Q. Was that the key for you today, your ball striking?

KELLY TAN: Yeah, 100% yesterday and today. I knew coming into this week that I was hitting the ball really well all week this week and last week. I just need to manage my own expectation knowing I'm going to have a lot of looks. I'm not going to make all of them. So patience is definitely the key for me.

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