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August 13, 2005

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Rafa will attempt to win his ATP best ninth title of the season, and is in his 10th final. He is also looking to win his third ATP Masters Series title of the season. Questions for Rafa.

Q. Can you tell us what it was like to have your serve broken for the first time? Were you discouraged or did it give you more energy?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, I was a little bit nervous in 5-4. Is the first time I am a little bit nervous in the tournament. Is normal, no? Is not normal don't lost the serve in the first four matches, so that's normal lose any serve. Is not the best moment for lose the serve, but is normal. I'm a little bit nervous and I don't play tactic -- I don't play very bad tactic, the game (changing to Spanish).

ATP: The strategy.

Q. You were one set 5-4, why were you nervous?


Q. Yes, with one set, 5-4, serve to come.

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, of course, we have nervous always. I am playing for play the final of one Masters Series. So that's very important for me and for all player. Is normal I am nervous, I think.

Q. Was your shoulder okay at the end or was it a little bit hurting? Seems like the serve was a little less hard.

RAFAEL NADAL: Today I think I play a little bit better, serve a little bit better.

Q. At the end of the match?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, in the end of the match, for the nervous, not for the shoulder (laughter). The shoulder is very good now, too.

Q. What do you think about Mathieu today?

RAFAEL NADAL: Mathieu, I think he play -- he's playing well. He play unbelievable all tournament. He won the first round against Andy Roddick. I watch the match. It's unbelievable. And after he won in quarterfinal and third round very easy 6-1, 6-2 for the reason he's playing a very good level. So today, I don't know, I think he play a good match. He play a tough match. Sometime he play a lot of concentrated all time for the victory. He has the miss in the 5-5 in the second set, two double-faults. But this moment I think is the worst in the match for him because he come back, he break me, and normally he stay with confidence. I think I play well, I play well this game, I am a lot of concentrated in that game because I want to do the break another time. But he have two double-faults.

Q. You think you played your best tennis of the week today or not?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, I don't think. My best tennis?

Q. Yes.

RAFAEL NADAL: No, I think yesterday, and against Mello. Today a little bit different because he's playing well. I know when the others is playing well, is not easy play good. But I am happy with the match because I win a very good player, and he's playing good this week. That's the important. But I think is not the best match in the week.

Q. You said earlier this the week you were looking forward to an opportunity to play Andre Agassi. You've done your part. Andre is a match away. Can you think about that match?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, if I play against Agassi, I am very happy because I play against one of the best players in the history. But if I play against Greg Rusedski, I am very happy, too, because I'm going to play my fourth final in Masters Series this year. I want to play against the player he play the worst. That's the best for me (smiling). But I prefer win Agassi than Greg, no, because is one opportunity for me play against one of the legends of the tennis before he retire, not before me retire.

Q. Could I ask you a question about the Davis Cup. We're so used to Spain being dominant in the Davis Cup, and this year it's different. Do you think people in Spain feel there's something missing now because Spain is not doing well in the Davis Cup?

RAFAEL NADAL: I don't think nothing about that because you know the Davis Cup is always difficult. If we play outside, we play in one surface. We play in Slovakia with ice. Is unbelievable surface. I never play in this surface. The ITF say the rules say for play for the surface is stay -- (switching to Spanish).

ATP: For the surface to be under the rules.

RAFAEL NADAL: We must play three tournaments in the year. In Slovakia, we play in one surface we never play. So ITF is not good here. But, you know, that's the tennis. If we play outside, normally we have problems about that. But that the life.

Q. Do you feel a feeling about how the people of Spain think about it?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, I don't think so. Last year we won the Davis Cup. That's unbelievable for any country. For Spain, the second Davis Cup. And we hope win the next confrontation against Italy in Italy. We know we have a very tough confrontation. But we hope win that and the next year try come back and try have a good result.

Q. You mentioned Agassi was a legend in the game. When you were growing up, was he someone that you looked up to?

RAFAEL NADAL: No. (changing to Spanish.)

ATP: Yeah, he's never had any idols. He knew he was a great player. He would watch him on TV. That's about it.

Q. The crowd clearly like you a lot. Does that give you energy when you're playing?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, of course. The public is unbelievable with me, support me a lot all the time in this week, and that's very important for me because when I have a little bit bad moment, the public come stay with me, and that's important for the confidence, for feel comfortable in the court. And I want to say thank you very much the people of Montreal because I feel very, very well when I go to the court - and we go outside, too. But when I go to the court, I'm very happy with the public. Thank you. Sorry for the English, but is improve.

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