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August 14, 2005

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Rafa wins his ATP best ninth tournament title of the season. Also the first teenager to win nine titles in a season since Mats Wilander won nine back in 1983. It was also his third ATP Masters Series title this season. Questions for Rafa.

Q. How important is it to win your first hard court tournament?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, it's very important. I know I can play good in hard because I have some good scores this year. But for me win here is very, very nice. I get confidence now. I hope play the same level the next weeks because that's very good for the confidence for the US Open especially. No, I am very happy because I say before come here my goal is win any tournament in hard this year. I have that in the first, no?

Q. If you can win a Masters on hard, can you win a Grand Slam on hard?

RAFAEL NADAL: I don't like speak about that because I know if I am playing good, I have a little bit chance. But I always say, I always want to think about the first round. If I win the first round, the second round. If I win the second, the third. If I stay in one semifinal of Grand Slam, I can think about the victories. But for arrive to a semifinal, this round is very large, so I need won a lot of matches. Of course, my goal for any year is win any tournament, any Grand Slam, in hard, too, no? But I always want to say I only hope -- I only think about the first rounds normally.

Q. Can you talk about playing against Agassi?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, today it was a very tough match for me. I think in the first set I have the control of the situation. I have very good feelings in the third because Andre is -- (switching to Spanish).

ATP: Rafa felt comfortable because Andre was not really putting too much pressure on him, and he was allowing him to play his game.

RAFAEL NADAL: But after, with the stop, with the rain stop, he come back and he change all the strategy in the game, no? He put his backhand on my backhand always. In the first set, he come to the backhand with my forehand, that's better for me. After he change, he put the backhand in my backhand, and I have problem. He play unbelievable aggressive. He surprise me in the second set. I can win the first four game games, but 5-4, he play a good game and he have break me and the second set is for him. In the third set, he begin with a lot of confidence. I am watching the match in court, and I say with me, "Is very difficult because he's playing with a lot of confidence. He's playing very tough, a lot of aggressive, and that's very difficult for me. I think I need to play a little more aggressive for trying, for try the victory. I do that. I play more aggressive, and that's -- for that reason I think I can change the situation.

Q. Were you having trouble with your shoes or with your feet?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, the shoes is totally broke.

Q. Broke?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, total. When I play in these courts, I have always the same way. I broke the shoes always.

Q. When you say it's broken, the soles were worn down, the bottoms?

ATP: Yeah, that's pretty much it. The insole just broke and ripped out.

Q. Would you say after losing the second set, the win was as much mental as physical for you because you'd never won on hard before?

RAFAEL NADAL: I always think all is mental because you have some points, some important points. Always in every match, you have important points. If you stay comfortable, if you stay tough mentally, you can do always these points. If you am feel good in these moments, if you think, "I don't going to win the point," normally you going to lose. So you need think about always, "I must do that for try, for try the victory." After you think that for trying that, no? I think I need play more aggressive and for victory I know I need play more aggressive.

Q. Did you feel the crowd as much behind you during the final as it was in the course of the week or did you feel it was more in favor of Andre?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, of course, the public stay with Andre. Is normal. I understand for sure because he play here all times, a lot of times. He's one of the best in the history. He's an idol in all sides. I know that. But every time in this week, the public support me a lot. And today support me, but normally a little bit more Andre, no (smiling)?

Q. How much do you think age played a part in your win, the difference in your age? You're 19; he's 35.

RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. I don't know.

Q. You've played so much this year, you won so much this year, do you ever get mentally tired?

RAFAEL NADAL: I was tired after Rome, when I won in Rome, when I won the final in five hours against Coria, I was tired. After Roland Garros, when I won Roland Garros, a little bit down because I finish the first season of the year, and I play unbelievable. But after I don't play -- I play very well in Wimbledon the first round, and second round I don't feel a lot of concentration, I don't feel good. After that, I come back very well, no? I have one week stop, Bastad, one week stop, Stuttgart, one week and four days stop, and here. In the last month, I have tournament, stop, tournament, stop. Now I have tournament, tournament, stop (smiling). I feel good. I have a good feelings. I feel tough mentally. That's the most important thing, because if I feel tough mentally, I feel good physically, I feel good with the forehand, good with the backhand. If I don't feel good like here (pointing to his head), always is difficult. Always is difficult.

Q. You're in the midst of the greatest season for a teenager since Mats Wilander in 1983, the best ever. Do you go, "Wow, that's me"?

RAFAEL NADAL: Sorry, but I don't think about that. I don't like think about that because I want to say always the same. I always want to think about the next weeks. I know I am very happy because I win three Masters Series, one Grand Slam, five tournaments. That's unbelievable for me. But I can't think about that now. I want to think about that when I finish the year. Now I finish my goals, and I need improve every day for the next tournaments and for the next years. I can't think I playing unbelievable. I only want to think about improve and the next goals.

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