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August 31, 2005

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.

Q. Can you talk about the conditions out there. The wind was crazy.

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, you know, is not easy play today. The wind is change direction all the time. Is not easy.

Q. Did you know anything about him before you played? Did you know anything about his game?

RAFAEL NADAL: No. Sorry, but I watch him the last year here against Roddick, I think third round, one set or some games. I don't remember very well.

Q. Did he impress you as a player?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, he's young. For sure he can go up and he can do very good play, no?

Q. Anything about his game surprise you?

RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know because today is difficult for the wind. I don't know. I saw he play inside the court, he play very aggressive. But I don't know because I play a little bit short all the time. So for the wind is not easy compare.

End of FastScripts….

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