November 17, 2021
Guadalajara, Mexico
Press Conference
G. MUGURUZA/A. Kontaveit
6-3, 7-5
THE MODERATOR: Garbine, congratulations. Just talk us through the match today and how thrilled you are to win the WTA Finals here in Guadalajara.
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Well, right now I feel extremely happy and relieved because it's a tournament that I've struggled at the beginning, then I managed to play well.
Very emotional. I think I'm staying composed a little bit now because it means really a lot to me to win such a big, big, big tournament, the Masters in Latin America, here in Mexico. I think it's just perfect.
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. It seemed like your celebration, the emotions that took you over after you won, just looked a little bit different than necessarily Wimbledon or Roland Garros. What was going through your mind? What does it mean to you?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Yeah, although I always try to stay a little bit composed, here I really felt supported from the first moment. Like I said, every time I came to Mexico, not necessarily where I am right now Garbine, when I was 'nobody Garbine', I also felt the support. It was just such an emotional...
To qualify, the whole year with my team, it's in Mexico, we have to make it, c'mon. It was my biggest motivation. That's why I was so emotional at the end.
Q. You were talking about this opportunity of playing the tournament in Latin America, once-in-a-lifetime thing. It could maybe never happen again. How were you able to keep that from being pressure? How were you able to keep that excitement about the event from being a positive space rather than weighing you down or adding stress?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: I mean, I felt everything. I was stressed at the beginning because I wanted to do so well. I had a tough group. I didn't start well. But I was like, Okay, calm down, you wanted to be here, this is your dream, you are here, you still have a chance, so be quiet for a little bit, stop complaining, just keep fighting, hold there, hold to your little chances you might have.
Me and Conchi, we were speaking. We were just seeing all the good and positive things. I know we lost, but we're here. You have a chance. We're not leaving from Guadalajara without just giving it all.
Look where I am now with that mentality, keeping positive. I made it.
Q. The way you connected with Guadalajara, the people, is there a lesson in that for you maybe that you can find ways to connect and create the magic you created here? Do you think it's possible or only a Guadalajara thing?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: It's funny, the other day I was speaking with my manager, Oliver. He was like, You know what, for the first time, Garbine, you're really using the crowd, really getting that energy and using it on the court. You should do that more often.
I think a big lesson to me is to hear the people, the crowd, whether they scream vamos or c'mon. I'm so concentrated, I just block everything. I should get the energy from the environment.
Definitely I'm very supported here in Mexico. I don't know if it's everywhere, of course. I used it this week for sure.
Q. In addition to being able to use the crowd and the emotions, what can you take from a win like this, a week like this, into next year?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Well, this just proves once again that if I had it before, you have it during whole your career. This is just a big trophy. I don't know where to put it. In the level of a Grand Slam? I don't know. It's the Masters, it's a special tournament.
I'm just very happy I proved to myself once again I can be the best, I can be the 'maestra', like how we say in Spanish.
That puts me in a very good position for next year, a good ranking. How can I say? A good energy. It's just the payoff for such a long year. My team and I worked hard. It pays off. Just shows us that we're doing the right way.
Q. A few years back, I can't remember which tournament, you won a title and signed 'Mugu is back' on the camera lens.
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Oh, yeah, that was so like okay... I don't know what I was thinking. Oh, so like not good (smiling).
Guess what? I think I lost the next round (laughter). That was young Muguruza.
Q. Does it feel like that? Not just this tournament, but this year? You're going to be No. 3 in the rankings on Monday. Does this feel like putting a stamp back, like, I'm back in it?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: I mean, I think for the people from the outside, they kind of feel like, Oh, Muguruza is playing well again.
I mean, it is true that the last couple of years I didn't play the same way I played before. But I didn't play a bad tennis either. I was just here, there, not going into the deep rounds at Grand Slams that made the difference. I always felt I had the tennis. I was just not putting the battle together.
I always believe I made finals of a Grand Slam, reached the rankings, I'm like, I have the tennis, I just have to show it. It's hard, of course.
This is just another proof that I think I'm actually in the best moment of my career. The experience I have now, the tennis, the way I handle myself, I think it's actually much better than before.
Q. What does the celebration for Team Muguruza look like in Guadalajara?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: I think that's easy to guess (smiling). I went to Tequila before started the tournament. I went to the town, did a tasting. I knew, I knew. I need to do this before because when I win...
I'm kidding. We're going to have some tequila, have fun, lose all the tension we've been having and holding. I think the whole team deserves it.
Q. Can you reflect about your season? You had a strong start to the year, then some struggles, then you finish in great style.
GARBINE MUGURUZA: I mean, I think it's a very good season overall. Won three titles. I think it's the year that I've won the most titles and made finals also. I felt like a very stable year with myself also.
Of course, there is a little ups and downs, injuries and stuff. Overall I think it's the best year for me. I might not have won a Grand Slam, but I deeply feel like I've been happier and more stable, less dramatic, and in general very happy about it.
Q. Where would you say your motivation is at now to win the big titles next year, after a long break and tequila, compared to four or five years ago?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Oh, I'm still the same. I'm still the same. That's what fuels me. This trophy, like right now here, these are the best feelings. Not even the ranking. Just to actually touch this and I take it home, it's in the story, it's in my curriculum. It's the way of like, I did it.
I'm very motivated to just play those Grand Slams that are not yet in my place in my home. I'm still waiting for those ones there. Overall the big trophies is what motivates me.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
