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October 19, 2005

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions in Spanish, please.

Q. Tell us about your feelings. How did you feel about your knee in the match?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, my knee was fine. I had these things that helped me also. It didn't hurt at the beginning, just a little bit when I got my foot on the court. But I was fine. What concerns my playing? I think it has been a good match. The match actually was not easy. Despite the beginning, when I was a bit nervous, a bit slow, after three weeks without playing, because I haven't been able to train these days because of my knee. Despite all this, as I'm saying, I'm happy because I think I've done well. It was an important match. My serve has been there. More or less fine, yes.

Q. Does this victory change your goals towards these tournaments?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, no, it doesn't. Nothing changes. The tournament is a normal tournament. The only thing that could change would be an injury. This is a normal tournament. Tomorrow I'll be playing. It's a very difficult match, second-round, which I need to win. They're both difficult opponents, Moya, Robredo. I'll try to stay the way I'm playing today without making errors, as I was doing at the beginning of the match. I was more comfortable. I felt more comfortable afterwards.

Q. We've said these days you've been taking MRIs and all this. Are you ready right now to play the rest of the tournament properly or are you going to continue visiting doctors and taking care of your knee?

RAFAEL NADAL: Probably I'll just continue with my specific treatment to take care of my knee, not to force it. Before going on the court today, I did. But for the rest of it, I've done quite a good first round which has given me confidence. This is important, to start well.

Q. Are you surprised because of the reaction of your knee? Is it a good surprise?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, yeah. I thought my knee was going to support me. It didn't hurt. So, yeah, I'm happy.

Q. You told us the other day that if your knee was 70%, you would play. What has been the percentage of your knee?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, actually it didn't hurt. This is very positive. I do feel like playing. That's positive.

Q. You said you were going to visit the Bernabeu Stadium today. Are you still wanting to go or are you going to rest? Tomorrow, sorry.

RAFAEL NADAL: It's many hours ahead (laughter).

Q. But it's too late.

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, what's the time right now? I hope to get out of the hotel soon and then, yeah, I hope to go.

Q. What about all those dropshot Hanescu made? Was he trying you?

RAFAEL NADAL: I think that's his normal play. That's the way he plays usually. It's not easy to play on these type of surfaces, to come to the net. But I do think you can control the ball easier on other surfaces. These results are quite normal. I was feeling gradually more comfortable as the match went on. However, there was a bad return on my part, the first backhand I returned. What was it? I was standing too far away. Then the second one was better. I made this lob. That was a pity because 3-Love in the tiebreak, then I made a good return, I was able to win. It was tough. It was a tough situation. The tiebreak, I was down again, so...

Q. The doctor said yesterday that you're here because this is Masters Series Madrid. Why is it special to be here?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I've been playing well here. I surpassed my own ranking. It's been long since I last played here in Spain, so I was looking forward to playing here. I think the crowd is behaving real well, both on the court and on the training courts. I'm thankful.

Q. Your training today before the match, it was incredible to see all those people watching you like if you were an artist or actor, someone really important. How do you feel about that?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I try to keep those thoughts aside, although this support makes me want to improve, to play the tournament. It has influenced me to make the decision to play. They give me confidence like they did in the Davis Cup. Every time I'm here in Spain, I feel support. Gives me confidence to carry on.

Q. Coria said today that his dream for Shanghai is to be a semifinalist. Do you dream of Shanghai?

RAFAEL NADAL: No. I dream of tomorrow's match, which is very important. This tournament is very important for me. It means a lot to me. I don't want to think ahead. We'll see what happens.

Q. (In English) It's great that you're playing the tournament. How is the knee and could you feel it during the match?

RAFAEL NADAL: (In English) yeah, today I very happy because I feel very good with my knee. I don't have any problem no all match. So that's good.

Q. (In English) How did you hurt it? Was it during training?

RAFAEL NADAL: (In English) no, is a (inaudible), is tendonitis. This year I play a lot of matches. It's for that reason I have this problem, no?

Q. (In English) is it 100% now or is it still getting better?

RAFAEL NADAL: (In English) the tests say it's not a hundred percent for sure, no? But I feel good. I don't have pain. So that's important for me, no? When I go to the court, I will have confidence with my knees. So for now I am good.

Q. (In English) you went a break-of-service down in the first set.

RAFAEL NADAL: (In English) always I begin with break up. Today is the position changed.

THE MODERATOR: The opposite.

RAFAEL NADAL: (In English) the history changed (smiling).

Q. (In English) because this is a Spanish tournament, was that part of your reason for playing?

RAFAEL NADAL: (In length issue) 83, is important for me to play here. Last time I play here with my public and my public was in Cordoba, in Barcelona. Is important play at home now. Is very important tournament, the most important tournament in Spain. I want to play because the last two years I play very bad here.

Q. (In English) you're committed to playing Basel next week. Are you still intending to fulfill that commitment in Basel?

RAFAEL NADAL: (In English) I don't know yet, no. I will see after this tournament. I want to play, of course, but not depends of me, depends of my knees and the doctors say me what's the best for my knees, no?

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