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October 20, 2005

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions in Spanish.

Q. You played a great match. Tommy tried everything. We saw you a bit hurt maybe with the knee, a bit injured.

RAFAEL NADAL: No, not at all. I'm perfect. I'm feeling well. The only thing is that I'm not comfortable right now in this chair.

Q. So you feel strong enough to continue here?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, of course. I wish to get to the final now. I've won today's match. I played much better than yesterday. I'm glad.

Q. This year has been a success for you, but you don't want it to become a pressure.

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, this has been an incredible year. I didn't expect it to be this way when I started the year. But if things are this way, now I have this final period. I'm enthusiastic. I'm looking forward to resting then, and leaving Vienna's injury behind.

Q. I don't know if it's our fault that we are pessimistic, then euphoric, but do you see yourself in the final?

RAFAEL NADAL: I see myself in tomorrow's match against Stepanek, quarterfinals. That's all I see. He has been playing great. On this court, he's going to be a very, very difficult opponent. All the finals I've reached this year have been this way, thinking just about the next match.

Q. Will this bring you memories of the Davis Cup or is this a different story, completely different story?

RAFAEL NADAL: That was my debut in the Davis Cup. I remember I won an important match in my career in the Czech Republic, at 2-2 to go to 3-2, I remember. That was an important match in my career obviously. I have a good memory of that. This year I've played twice on clay, and those have been tough matches. I won 7-5, 6-2 or 6-3 the first one, and Rome I lost the first set 6-4. I remember I lost two serves in a row, and then I won the following set 6-1, 6-3. He's a tough opponent. Let's see what happens.

Q. You've had time to improve your serve as well as winning 10 tournaments. How do you do this? Do you train?

RAFAEL NADAL: Actually, we have very little time to train this year. But I think you improve match by match. I'm very happy with my serve right now. That's been very important for me to climb in the ranking. I'm aware that I need to improve my serve still, to get higher in the ranking, and be more confident with it.

Q. You said your knee is fine, it doesn't hurt. Tell us about it. Do you feel fine, comfortable?

RAFAEL NADAL: I feel nothing right now. My knee is okay. This morning it did hurt a little bit when I woke up, but then when I started warming up and training, I've done well. I hope to keep this way. While it doesn't hurt, I'll keep on playing and hope to win.

Q. The score against Robredo reflects what the match was or was it more difficult?

RAFAEL NADAL: I think I've been superior in my play, played better than him. I don't know if 6-2 is a bit excessive, but I've been consistent without making errors. A victory is what I deserved, I guess. Second set, I was calm, playing well until 3-2, 15-Love. I made the dropshot. 30-15, I made a double-fault. Then I thought 3-3. That was tough. Then I played a good point, which was decisive for the match, 4-3. 4-4, then things came quite clean. Finally the set. The last game I started with a double-fault. The ball almost didn't get to the net. Then I became confident at 15-All.

Q. From the tennis players we have in the draw right now, who is the best?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, the one that worries me is Stepanek. The rest I don't care about them right now. I'm worrying about tomorrow. When you win one match, then you can start worrying about the following match.

Q. What do you think about models? What's your opinion?

RAFAEL NADAL: This question is becoming a boom. Like Formula One, we have a thousand models suddenly before the cameras. I find nothing strange in this. It's a kind of promotion, publicity for the tournament. That's positive. Nothing against it. I have more things in favor actually.

Q. You said you're focusing on the next match which could be Stepanek. Have you been watching David's matches? Do you see him strong enough?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I'm not surprised at his performance. He's had an incredible year. He's been fighting to get into the Masters. If he wins one match more, he has chances to get into the Masters. Let's hope he does get in. He's a great person as well as a great tennis player. We get along with each other very well. I'd like to have him with me.

Q. What do you think about the Spanish crowd that loves you actually and supported you more than Tommy?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I don't know if they supported me more than Tommy, but the crowd is behaving incredibly in this tournament. On a personal level, I'm feeling very comfortable. I haven't played in Spain since the Godo tournament. Madrid has always been kind to me, as I have said. The crowd has really supported me and is helping me.

Q. We think if we hadn't been talking about you, we would have been talking about Ferrer here in Spain, newspapers and headlines.

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, maybe this year I've been constantly in newspapers because of the season, because of the year I've had. But David has also had an incredible year, playing at a very high level. Miami, Monte-Carlo, quarterfinals, semis at Rome, Roland Garros quarterfinals, too. He's proving to be at a very high level. He's also a very experienced player that could be in the top 10. Let's hope he wins Paris. I agree with you that we could hear about him a lot more than we do.

Q. (In English.) Your movement seemed to be much more free and relaxed today. Were you happy with the way you were moving today? It was better than yesterday?

RAFAEL NADAL: (In English.) Yeah, yeah, I think I improve my mobility. That's important in my game, no? In my game, is very important my physical, so I improve today. I think play against Tommy is better for me because I know a lot his game. We play together a lot of times. That's more easy for me playing him than Hanescu, because he serve very well, he play very fast. Tommy, he's playing well, but I have a better feeling against him.

Q. (In English.) You can see what he's doing? You can anticipate what Tommy is doing, because you've seen him play before? You can see where he is going to hit the ball?

RAFAEL NADAL: (In English.) Yeah, of course. Every match is different, of course. Every match is difficult. But today I played a very good match. I am happy for that, no?

Q. (In English.) When you woke up this morning, how did the knee feel?

RAFAEL NADAL: (In English.) When I wake up today morning, I feel a little bit pain, but just a little bit. Nothing important. That's because I play two matches. In two matches, I don't feel nothing, only good feelings.

Q. Did you know that David Beckham got stuck in the traffic and was unable to see your match because he came here late?

RAFAEL NADAL: (In English.) But after the match I am speaking with him in the locker room. So that's nice for me, no?

Q. (In English.) What did you say?

RAFAEL NADAL: (In English.) I ask personal things. Nothing special.

Q. (In English.) Were you sorry that he missed your match?

RAFAEL NADAL: (In English.) No, of course. It's okay for me. I am very happy for speak with him after the match. Yesterday I speak with him, too, after the Real Madrid match in the locker room of Real Madrid. It's very nice. I am happy for know him.

Q. (In English.) What do you think about the models?

RAFAEL NADAL: (In English.) For me is good. I don't have any problem for that reason. It's good publicity for the tournament. That's good for this tournament, I think.

End of FastScripts….

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