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November 12, 2021

Anika Varma

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Quick Quotes

Q. Anika, thank you so much for joining us. 2-under here in the third round of the Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific, 9-under total. How are you feeling about your performance so far?

ANIKA VARMA: I feel like my approach shots, as always throughout this week, they've been really good. My putting's been not my best friend, but it's been pretty consistent. I've been making a lot of par putts.

I had my first bogey for the tournament today, so it is what it is. But overall I've been pretty consistent, and everything's been good.

Q. You were saying before that you had lots of birdie opportunities but they just weren't quite converting for you. How do you deal with that mentally?

ANIKA VARMA: I feel like it gets a little frustrating, but at the same time, you just have to learn like not to give in to the frustration and just play your game because you have those days. You always do.

Like it's golf. You have some really, really good days and some really bad days. So you've just got to keep on going, have fun, talk to people, and like just play your game.

Q. That's definitely a great attitude to have. Nicely positioned on the leaderboard heading into the final day. What do you feel like you need to do tomorrow?

ANIKA VARMA: Just play my game, make a lot of memories, and have fun. That's the most important thing because, if you don't have fun, then there's no point in playing this sport. It just becomes a job then.

So just have fun, make new friends, meet new people. Play my game, make a lot of memories on the golf course because it's an amazing place to play at. Just have fun.

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