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November 11, 2021

Anika Varma

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Quick Quotes

Q. Anika, thank you so much for joining us. You've had 4-under in the second round, 7-under total for the Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific. Are you happy with your performance over the past two days?

ANIKA VARMA: It's been really good. I've been really consistent with my approach shots and everything's just been working out perfectly. I've been converting a lot of my putts, which is a good thing. I'm never going to complain about making birdies, so it's been pretty good.

Q. Speaking of those birdies, is there one from today that stands out as a highlight?

ANIKA VARMA: Yeah, I birdied hole No. 12, the par-3, which was a really good shot from the tee. It was a really aggressive shot for me because the pin was in a tough position, but overall it was really good on that hole.

And on hole No. 16 I had a really good approach shot, and I gave myself like six feet for a birdie. So that was good.

Q. Looks like you might be only three shots back heading into the third round. What's the mindset for the next two days?

ANIKA VARMA: Honestly just play my game. It's been going so well up until now, so I'll just keep the same mindset and just have fun on the golf course. I really enjoy talking to my group and having fun and playing my game.

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