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October 24, 2021

Allisen Corpuz

Venice, Florida, USA

Plantation Golf and Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Heck of a week. How would you assess not only today but your entire week?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, it was just really fun. I think when you play good golf it's always fun. Had Stu come on the bag. He's my old assistant coach. It was just really nice to have him on the bag. You know, he knows my yardages really well and can help me a bit on the greens.

So just really felt comfortable out there and was hitting some pretty good shots. Just kind of trying to keep it simple, fairways, greens, two-putt, move on. So, yeah.

Q. Four rounds under par after the year you had. We're coming to the end. Pretty impressive. What positives are you going to carry with you to the rest of the season?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think it's just nice to see red numbers and just know that -- I think the second round was a little shaky for me but still managed to scrape out the 1-under.

I think it's just been a year of learning how to scrape out those rounds that are okay and still manage to shoot something good. So just trying to carry that forward into the future. Like just keep making birdies and staying patient and just minimizing the mistakes.

Q. You don't seem to be as like headline making as some of your counterparts. Kind of a quiet steady forces, which I love. How validating is it for you come out here, kick some butt, for lack of a better word, and be like, you know what, I belong and I'm just as good as everybody around me?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I think that it's awesome. Everyone here is good so it's just nice to come out here and kind of see where my game is compared to everyone else's.

I think there is always going to be something to work on no matter how good you are. It's just nice to go post some good scores.

Q. What's the rest of your prep before Q-Series going to look like?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I think there is a couple of NWGA events on the same courses, so I'll probably look into those.

Definitely headed back to L.A. tomorrow. Just take some time off and just get some energy back.

Really just, yeah, focusing on Q-Series and seeing how far I can go there.

Q. Exciting plans for your time off?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Not really. (Laughter.)

Q. Sweet.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, yeah. I'm pretty boring. My family just got a Netflix subscription because I've been mooching off my boyfriend. Finally have my own account, so kind of going through everything I've wanted to watch the past two years.

Q. As far as Q-Series goes, it's a grueling couple weeks. You've been there, kind of done that. Do you think that gives you an advantage?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: First time there, but I think definitely playing Stage I and Stage II is a good prep for knowing what the pressure is going to be like there.

I think it's nice to know that I'm through Stage II and I at least have the full Symetra status to fall back on, so it really is just go out will and see how low I can go.

Q. From a stamina aspect, I feel like some players have that stamina and some don't just from their experiences in college and your crazy busy 2021. Do you think that's an advantage?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I think so. Yeah, it is a lot more taxing than you think just being in to the moment and having some pressure on some shots.

But, yeah, I mean, I think if you go in there knowing you are going to get a little tired and being a little more patient when you do hit a shot not like you wanted to, then just being a little more patient definitely helps.

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