October 24, 2021
Venice, Florida, USA
Plantation Golf and Country Club
Quick Quotes
Q. How did it feel out there today? A little kind of cruise control after a couple early bogeys, shaky start.
LINN GRANT: Yeah, I said to my dad that I didn't know where the ball was going this morning. Just didn't get a feel on the range at all.
Then started hitting it left and then right and then left, so I didn't really have a -- any idea where the ball was going.
So I just had to kind of go back to whatever I know and kind of figure it out from there.
Q. Was that nerves?
LINN GRANT: No, I don't think so. It's more like we've been playing for three days and so focused on having a good score, and today I know if I just go out and just play a decent round I should be fine.
You kind of get a little bit unfocused and then start getting some bad shots.
Q. Have you ever been as mentally drained as you are probably right now?
LINN GRANT: Yeah, I think so. It's just that you kind of know that you don't need to play that good today, which kind of it's not really that good. You should practice on playing good instead.
Q. Sure. What was the other time you felt this mentally drained?
LINN GRANT: Well, just playing like a lot of tournaments in a row. Like summers at home is usually quite packed, so for sure playing your teams and individuals and all that as an amateur for sure kind of drains you after playing, I don't know, 14 rounds in seven days and stuff like that.
But, yeah, still need to reload a little bit before Q-Series.
Q. How has it been having your national teammates out here with you?
LINN GRANT: Nice. I mean, it's not like it's been only the amateurs. We're all doing our own thing a little bit, but we still try to catch up with dinners and go through the course together and we have our coaches here. So whenever they see something they always text and like don't do this or I've seen this on the course, which is really nice. So it helps and the support is really nice.
Q. You and Beatrice are advancing to Q-Series. Have you got a chance to catch up?
LINN GRANT: No. She's right over there so I'm going to walk over there later.
Q. That's awesome. What's the excitement for Q-Series?
LINN GRANT: It will be fun. It's a lot of golf again, so just kind of have to prepare for that. But otherwise, it will be exciting to see kind of what the field is like and how the game is.
Q. What have you heard about it?
LINN GRANT: That it's just a lot of golf. Just have to like -- Freda (phonetic) she played last year or '19 and she was just like, Just don't make any high numbers and you should be fine. So just kind of have to keep it going and don't make any high numbers.
Q. What's your plan for the next month in terms of where you're going? Sweden? Arizona? Where are you practicing? How are you getting ready?
LINN GRANT: Back to Phoenix now tomorrow, and then just take a couple days off and just get ready. Haven't been there since May so just meet up with some friends and get sorted and then start practicing there. Probably be at the facility and play some of the courses around there?
Q. Any one in particular that you like to play?
LINN GRANT: I like Superstition Mountain. I would love to go back to Grayhawk if that's possible. I know it's packed, so we'll see about that. Definitely those two.
Q. Did your play this week meet, exceed your expectations?
LINN GRANT: Yeah, I'm just happy to advance really, but it's always nice to have a good tournament. Yeah, I'm happy with my game and know what to work on for the next one.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
