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October 23, 2021

Allisen Corpuz

Venice, Florida, USA

Plantation Golf and Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Solid round again today. Made a bogey early on the 4th hole and rattled off three birdies in a row. How did it go out there today?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Sorry, give me a second to think about it. The bogey at the 4th was just -- wasn't a bad bogey. It was kind of a silly one.

But I think going into this week the mindset was really you're going to make a couple bogeys. Just stay patient. Don't let it get out of hand.

Actually hit a really good chip shot for the first birdie from the back of the green, which was probably more lucky than good. Definitely helped me kind of change the momentum and kind of start to see a few more birdies fall throughout the round.

Q. What did you work on between day one and day three to put yourself in this position?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, honestly, not much has changed, I think. It was nice that I was on Panther yesterday, so from round one to two there was the green speed change. I did a lot of speed work and I think just kind of I guess looked at the mistakes I made yesterday and looked for ways to avoid them today.

Other than that, yeah, not much is going to change.

Q. Obviously you have a pretty good contingency of friends, some playing in college, some out here with you. Has anybody reached out from your Curtis Cup team it be like, Hey, girl, keep going?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, it's awesome. We have group chats from that and the Arnold Palmer Cup, and every couple months or so someone will pop in depending on if someone is having a good week. Like this week Amelia texted me, Migliaccio, saying like, Go get it.

Couple of my old USC teammates reached out. It's just really nice to have the support.

Q. You seem so quiet and collected. Are you different in the team room on a Curtis Cup or Arnold Palmer Cup?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I think the adrenaline definitely gets going in team events. There is just so much energy you just can't not.

But in general I kind of do stay pretty even, and, yeah, like just try to -- like I actually look like really calm, but I'm definitely not on the inside, so just trying to get the insides to match the outside.

Q. I think it's really interesting you're from Hawaii and there is not a big contingency of golfers from Hawaii. What's that like for you to be one of a kind in that sense?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I mean, I think it's definitely great to have Michelle Wie as a role model. Definitely looked up to her growing up. There were a couple of girls that are a couple years older, like Stephanie Kono.

And then my year is actually a pretty strong class coming out of Hawaii. We had like five or six girls that all ended up playing at college, at the collegiate level.

So I think just having that competition growing up was really nice, and just seeing where everyone is ending up now is really cool.

Q. What's your heritage mean to you?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Means a lot. I'm half Filipino and half Korean. Being Asian it's definitely something I'm proud of.

Q. That Filipino side, you've obviously had some good Filipino play this year. Do you follow a lot of the Filipino players?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I know more the girls that are my age out here. I know Abigail Arevalo is out here. I've known her since like junior world, since we were like seven, eight years old. I met a couple of them, which has been really nice, yeah.

Q. Heading into Sunday, a lot on the line obviously. You're in a pretty good position. Do you just go out and freewheel it and enjoy the day?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Probably not going to change too much. Try to make a lot of pars, hopefully birdies come, and just really minimize mistakes going into the last round.

Q. Playing the Bobcat and having two days on Panther and heading back to the slower green speed, what will you work on ahead of tomorrow?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Definitely go back to working on speed. I think it is a little more demanding off the tee, so just go hit a couple shots. In general, not trying change too much. Just like today, look at could have been a little better and go work on that.

Q. Being a USC Trojan you're used to playing a lot of golf. It's a big week out here. Are you feeling any sort of fatigue? You've had a heck of a year as well.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think I really prioritized coming into this week. Played a tournament about two and a half weeks ago and an event before that, but really haven't been playing as much as I could have coming into this week just knowing that I think it is an especially tiring week knowing it's Q-School with a little more pressure on the line.

Q. You won a Cactus Tour event a few week ago. First win as a professional. How gratifying was that for you?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: It was really awesome. I played well but it was a little unexpected. Just kind of had a really solid last round. But it was really nice to get started off on the right foot.

Q. What does the Cactus Tour mean to you personally and women's golf as a whole? It gave a lot of players a place to play during COVID.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah. I mean, I think it's just awesome that there is all these events where you can compete and just stay in competitive mode. Mike does a great job.

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