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October 20, 2021

Jaravee Boonchant

Venice, Florida, USA

Plantation Golf and Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Okay, so just to kick this off, you don't really hear a four-time all-American anymore coming out of college because a lot of players choose to go early to the pro ranks. What made you stay at Duke?

JARAVEE BOONCHANT: I mean, first it's like COVID. So I was actually planning to go play Q-School last year but because of COVID, I didn't have a chance. Also I feel like four years in college is very amazing and you probably can't find those experience somewhere else, and I'm really like happy that I get to get my degree before turning pro.

Yeah, I just like playing with the team and I liked enjoying that experience.

Q. Awesome. So you came up through the IMG Academy. A lot of players, again, forgo college for the professional ranks. You kind of answered this, but, again, why did you choose to go the college route instead of going straight to the pros?

JARAVEE BOONCHANT: Yeah, actually I did not have a plan of turning pro until like my junior year in college, so going to like Duke or going to college in general is always my plan from the start.

And, yeah, just kind of like just follow step by step and we'll see how it goes, yeah.

Q. So what was it about Duke and that experience that makes you believe you made the right choice?

JARAVEE BOONCHANT: Made the right choice?

Q. To wait and go ^ threw ^ through school and turn professional?

JARAVEE BOONCHANT: Yeah, I think like -- I mean, after staying four years at Duke I realize how much you grow as a person and as a golfer through my college experience. Like I get to play against great players in like challenging golf course and with tough conditions, like especially at the Nationals. Like it was a long week.

And I think that really helped me get stronger like physically and mentally both on and off the golf course. Having my teammate around me and getting to play for a team also train my mental game. You need to stay focused and try your best for your team.

I think that just really help me after I turn professional too.

Q. You had a lot of really good players on your team while you were there.


Q. Having that experience, playing against really some of the best amateur players in the world, what was that like for you, being one yourself?

JARAVEE BOONCHANT: It was like one of the best experience. Like I get to practice with like Leona Maguire, Virginia Elena Carta and Gina Kim every day. Just like seeing them striving for their dream and just like that's just motivate me to practice harder and just like -- I just really enjoyed that experience.

We're pushing each other to be like the best, and, yeah, it's just like I don't think I could like get to practice with them without going to Duke. So that was a great experience.

Q. Being out here now, what's it been like playing with some of your former teammates on the professional level? Anything change?

JARAVEE BOONCHANT: Well, it's actually -- I haven't seen them since I turned pro. I didn't have status so I was just like here and there. This was actually my first time seeing Virginia in two years, so it was great to reunite again. I think it's going to be fun, yeah.

Q. Speaking of Leona, have you talked to her about the tour life, transition from being an all-American at Duke to being on the LPGA Tour? And if you have talked to her, has she given you any advice?

JARAVEE BOONCHANT: I actually did not really like talk to her that much since she was a senior on my freshman year, but you talked to Ana Belac a lot about like her profession like life and how like her career go, and she give me advices of -- like I play in some LPGA event before this and I missed the cut before then, and Ana text me and say, Don't let the cut bring you down. It's two tournaments. You still have a long way to go.

That really encourage me to practice harder and just kind of like bring me back to the game. It's just a tournament. Earlier this week Leona texted me and said, Good luck. That really pump me up. I'm going to do my best and Leona texted me.

Yeah, I feel like I didn't really talk to Leona that much, but we would be sending good luck message and stuff. Yeah.

Q. Speaking of Ana, she's had a heck of a career so far.


Q. Very early on.


Q. What does watching her do what she's done, watching what Leona has done, as Dukey, what does that make you feel? Does that motivate you to get better?

JARAVEE BOONCHANT: Yeah, yeah, definitely. It's like motivate me and it's very inspiring to see those people who like were practicing with you and now they like on top of the leaderboard and see them on TV.

Just like amazing. It just motivate me to work harder so that one day I can join them on the tour.

Q. You won the Juli Inkster Award.


Q. That was a big deal. What did that mean to you personally?

JARAVEE BOONCHANT: It was unreal. Like I did not -- like going to my senior year I did not expect that I would have won this award. Just getting the phone call from Juli is just like amazing. I was like, Oh -- I actually missed her call and she texted me and I'm like, Oh, my gosh. What should I do?

I was just like I was speechless. I don't know what to react when she -- when I was on the phone with her. It was just amazing how much she has done for the game of golf, and like thank you to Workday and her for make this award possible.

Yeah, it was just like amazing and I had fun hanging out with her and like walking with her during the practice round. I'm looking forward for the retreats, like two days with her.

Q. Did you ever follow Juli at all when you were younger watching some of the players on tour?

JARAVEE BOONCHANT: I don't really watch golf, but I would see her here and there and I like -- since she's like the legend so I heard her name for a long time. I know how much she has achieved and accomplished in the game.

But, yeah.

Q. So last question: So Patty Tavatanakit, fellow Thai countrywoman.


Q. She kind of took a little bit different route. Came out of UC early, won a major this year. Do you ever look at her and go, Maybe I should have gone a little earlier, or are you happy with your decision?

JARAVEE BOONCHANT: I'm very happy with my decision. I know that everyone has different routes and different career path. I'm happy that I get my degree and I'm happy that I take time to like finish like step by step so now I don't need to worry about school anymore.

I can just focus on golf and have fun on the course.

Q. Being a Thai player coming out, I feel like the Thai players on the LPGA has been really good the past couple years.


Q. How excited are you to have a shot this week? You're obviously a pro, but to get your LPGA Tour status.

JARAVEE BOONCHANT: Yeah, I'm very excited, especially seeing like this year I think five Thais won so far and I am so pumped to get my tour card and hopefully I could join them in those like leaderboard again next year.

But seeing them like achieve so much this year is very inspiring and motivating. Yeah, just hope -- I will do my best and hope for the best result this week.

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