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September 5, 2021

Kevin Na

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

East Lake Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Kevin, how would you assess your week as a whole?

KEVIN NA: Fantastic. I couldn't have played any better. I had one bogey for 27 holes, last three rounds bogey-free. I couldn't have played any better. I think I am as of now, right now, in the lead of -- one-shot lead if everybody started at even par. I know Rahm has got an eagle try. Worst case second, maybe tied for first for the week. That's pretty good.

Q. What did you prove to yourself about your game this week?

KEVIN NA: No matter what golf course I play, if I'm on, I can play. This is a golf course that I always felt like it didn't really suit my game. Hitting 2 to 3 clubs more than everybody else on every hole, greens are firm, if you miss the fairway for me there's no chance out of the rough for me.

I drove it beautifully, where I was hitting a lot of fairways. That was the key to a successful week.

Q. Was there a change in mentality?

KEVIN NA: I was trying to win that secret leaderboard, where everybody started from even par, to get Captain Stricker's attention, so I could get a captain's pick.

Q. Do you think you did enough to warrant one?

KEVIN NA: Look, I did the best I could. I have two runner-up finishes in the last six starts, another Top-10 at a Playoff event and maybe win or second here. So I mean, from where I started to finish third in the FedExCup, eight shots back, I think I'm looking strong for a pick.

I'm definitely going to probably text Captain Stricker. I haven't texted him but I'm going to text him and see what he thinks. I feel like I should be a big consideration for the a pick.

Q. How much would it mean to you to get that call?

KEVIN NA: It would be a dream come true. I told somebody, it's second in my goals behind a major championship.

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