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September 4, 2021

Kevin Na

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

East Lake Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Given the 29-man field -- it's Joaquin in by himself -- I'm sorry, Brooks, it's Joaquin --

KEVIN NA: I'm sure Joaquin has other things to think about other than trying to beat that 1 hour 59 minutes. I'm sure he's trying to post a good round. There's still a lot to play for.

Q. As applies to The Ryder Cup, you've been in this position before, and you know it's not a one-round qualifier, but are you thinking you can impress Steve Stricker tomorrow?

KEVIN NA: I haven't really been petitioning myself for a pick. I feel like I'm in a good position to get the captain's interest. I've been playing very well the last third of the season, two runner-up finishes. Good playing the last couple weeks. I feel like I'm hot in these Playoffs, and I'm probably up there first or second if everybody started even par this week. Captain Stricker, I don't know, what do you think?

Q. How did you kick it into another gear in your 30s?

KEVIN NA: I started driving the ball better. I've always had great short game. I've always struggled off the tee. I wasn't a long hitter, and I was still struggling to find fairways.

My coach, Drew Steckel, and I, we've been working on how to find fairways off the tee. 280 in the fairway is good enough for me. I'm a good long iron player, and I've hit a lot of 5-irons and 4-irons stiff this week and making plenty of birdies.

Q. There was a Tweet about you making The Ryder Cup and that got a lot of support. Was that gratifying to see?

KEVIN NA: Honestly I don't read a whole lot of golf articles, but after he told me I looked at it, and it was very nice. I saw him this morning and waved him over and said, hey, appreciate what you did; appreciate the article.

I think he's spot-on (laughing).

Q. Can you be the U.S. Poulter, the pesky, tough guy?

KEVIN NA: I think I can get on The European Tour team's nerves walking in a bunch of putts and getting up-and-down from everywhere.

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