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August 26, 2021

Sergio Garcia

Owings Mills, Maryland, USA

Caves Valley Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. 7-under 65, great way to start the BMW Championship. What are your takeaways from the day?

SERGIO GARCIA: Yeah, no, obviously great way to start. It was a nice day. A little bit of breeze but not too bad. A bit warm, but very nice to start like that. Obviously played very solid all day, and the couple of shots that I missed I got up-and-down.

Very happy with my start.

Q. What were your thoughts on the golf course? I know you've seen it in a little bit of practice but now playing a competition round.

SERGIO GARCIA: Yeah, it's a big golf course. I think that obviously a lot of movement, a lot of up-and-downs. It's a good workout, that's for sure. But it's nice. It's a pretty golf course.

The greens are a little bit inconsistent when it comes to firmness. Some are, again, quite firm, some are quite soft. But I guess with this heat and stuff, it's not easy to control that.

Q. Your game, based on what you saw, what will be the keys for you to remember to continue this great momentum for the rest of the week?

SERGIO GARCIA: No, I've got to do just more of the same things. Just keep trusting myself. Obviously that's key when it comes down to playing well. Believe in what I'm able, what I'm capable of doing, and then just go out there and do it. It's simpler said than done, but it's as simple as that, yeah.

Q. What's the magnitude of playing a round like this and having form like this, especially considering what's coming up and needing that good resume to make a team?

SERGIO GARCIA: Yes, obviously it's -- you know, I'm in a spot where I kind of -- it's kind of like a win-win for me. If I play great and I make it to the TOUR Championship, it's a win. If I don't play as great and I don't make it to the TOUR Championship, I get to go back home and see the kiddos and my wife. They're both positive things, but I'm going to try to make sure that it's postponed one week.

Q. Paddy said today to some reporters overseas about how he wants all prospective captains' picks to play the BMW PGA. Are you planning on going across the Atlantic to play in that, and if not what was the decision behind that?

SERGIO GARCIA: At the moment I don't have it planned. I think that -- I don't know, it's obviously -- you know, I'm not going to lie, I'm 41 years old, I've traveled all around the world for a long time, so I can't be doing too many jumps and just close to the Ryder Cup if I get picked.

Obviously I'll talk to him, and if he has me in his sights to be in the team, try to figure out what we can do, but what I want to do is play as well as I can this week and hopefully next week and then we'll see.

Q. Is it more so that your resume speaks for itself rather than one extra week, one extra tournament?

SERGIO GARCIA: I mean, obviously yes and no. I think that everybody knows what the Ryder Cup means to me. Everybody knows what I can bring to the team and to the week.

But you know, resumes are resumes. At the end of the day they don't play. They don't play golf.

Obviously if I'm there, I'm going to play as hard as I can, like I always do, and try to help my team as much as I can. It's as simple as that.

There's still some big weeks to come, and we don't want to get ahead of ourselves.

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