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August 21, 2021

Samantha Stosur

Shuai Zhang

Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Press Conference


7-5, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Well done, Ladies, on the title today. Just talk through the match from your perspective and what went so well.

SAMANTHA STOSUR: Yeah, obviously I think we played a really good match. We knew really what we wanted to do before we went out there, and then obviously as matches go on, you have to make small adjustments as you go.

I thought we saw, you know, many elements of a doubles match today. Shuai was able to hit lots of angles, low balls, they were lobbing, we had power. I thought everyone served pretty well for the match.

Yeah, overall I think we played very solid. We were very clear and decisive with what we were choosing to do, and we were able to execute it more often than not.

I think the key was we served really well and were mostly doing well on our service games. Then able to put a lot of pressure on them continually and were able to get more breaks.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Sam, is this your first title as a mom? How special it was this moment for you? How hard it is for you being away from Genevieve for a long time? Congrats on your win.

SAMANTHA STOSUR: Thank you. Yeah, I guess it is. Yeah, it's obviously very tough to be away from home, missing Genevieve obviously so much. We were Face Timing before the match today, and, yeah, obviously we do that as much as we can.

So to be over here, it's hard, but when you can win a title, you know, it makes it worth it, because you want to have success when you're away and enjoy the moments, because it's not going to happen forever, being able to go out there and win a title and obviously play with my friend Shuai.

So, yeah, I guess it's very, very tough, but it makes it exciting for me, and I know they are watching back home. Obviously when I get back there, it's all about being with Genevieve and my family, and obviously I can't wait to get home and do that.

Q. Sammy, how does this make you feel? I know it's been a while, but how much more encouragement does this give you to keep on going?

SAMANTHA STOSUR: Yeah, look, I obviously haven't played too many events in the last couple of years, so to come out here and obviously partner up with Shuai again was the best thing. We really enjoyed playing together this week. We had some very, very close matches, and we were able to come through.

You know, the first four in a super-tiebreak. I think that shows even without playing very much, we really combine well and really back each other and support each other no matter what's going on. That's first and foremost the best thing. Regardless of today's result, we were proud of our achievements.

Yeah, as far as going forward, only playing US Open now for the rest of the year, so it is I guess a bit unfortunate that it might be my last tournament for the year, but we're going to give it our absolute best shot, and hopefully we can do really well and, you know, you never know. Hopefully we can take home another trophy.

Q. Shuai, you can be honest, how much did you miss not having Sam alongside you on a court when she was off and all that? If you want to be negative, that's fine, it's only Sam next to you (smiling).

SHUAI ZHANG: You know, we both like each other so much, we both so positive. We never mind win or lose or miss the ball or something. I mean, we always try to make winner, but sometimes working, sometimes not.

No matter. We just so enjoy play together. We so happy play together. That's why when we on court, even yesterday, last night, we so tired, but opponents, match points, we still laughing, we still smile. We always make, like, some funny things when we feeling really bad and we come back.

So, yeah, we miss each other so much, because last two years we cannot play together. Yeah, I mean, the first tournament we play together again, and we won the big trophy. That's so special. The first day, we meet each other and Sam told me, Yeah, we back. All positive, yeah.

Q. Sam, what is the plan for the US Open? Are you going to also play mixed with Mattie Ebden, or you just sticking with the women's doubles? What are you thinking?

SAMANTHA STOSUR: No, I actually would really like to play mixed doubles. I haven't spoken to Matt yet, but I'm not sure we're gonna get in on our ranking. Yeah, I will speak to him soon obviously, but first and foremost, we've got to try and get in.

If it doesn't look like we'll make it, then I'm looking. I'm available, guys, so I want to find someone. (Laughter.)

Q. Did you, by any chance, ask for a wildcard for singles? Did it cross your mind to play US Open singles?

SAMANTHA STOSUR: I mean, I'm on protected ranking, so it doesn't matter? Yeah, didn't need to, so I knew I had that one up my sleeve, so that was all fine.

Q. One other thing I want to ask you. I have asked a few players this. When you get on a plane for a long-haul flight, what do you do? Do you sleep the whole way? You haven't had the issue of traveling with the family as yet on a long-haul flight with a baby, but what do you do? Do you just sleep? Do you watch the movies? Do you eat the aircraft food or what?

SAMANTHA STOSUR: Yeah, I kind of just do whatever I feel like. I think I normally, kind of depending on what time of day it is, it's easy to sleep at other times than others.

If I'm tired, I sleep. I try and, you know, knock out the flight as much as I can whilst sleeping, but I will watch the movies or I'll have something downloaded on my phone and watch that instead.

So, yeah, I didn't miss the long-haul flights, that's for sure, and I've got a very long one getting home via Singapore, but I will take any flight I can get at this point in time. Yeah, if I can sleep as much as I can, then that's what I try and do.

Q. Has it changed at all? Has your mindset for a long-haul flight changed over the years?

SAMANTHA STOSUR: No, not really. I think the people have got their ideas and you should adjust your body clock before you go and all of that, but I think, you know, with what we do with flying every week, sometimes obviously not long haul with huge time changes, but I just do whatever. I feel I figure you can never have too much sleep. You're probably lacking in sleep rather than having too much. So if I'm tired, then that's what I do and then I deal with it when I get there.

Q. (Question regarding Stefani.) Every match of her is showing live and everything. Do you have any words on her?

SAMANTHA STOSUR: Yeah, well, firstly, I think it's fantastic for her. Brazilian tennis, there is obviously not too many Brazilians out there, and she's really doing fantastic things on the doubles court.

Watching her and her partner win the bronze medal in the Olympics, I was absolutely so thrilled for them. It was like the highlight of the tennis almost to see them. I think they were almost last in, and then they walk away with a medal.

I think she's doing very, very well. Now obviously I'm guessing her and Gabby are going to play together and they are forming already a very strong partnership in only a few events.

Yeah, they are going to be tough to play as they obviously play more and more together, but she plays like old-school doubles. She likes to serve and volley, she hits and comes in, she can do everything and puts herself in the right position. Yeah, she's obviously still very young and, yeah, can do very well.

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