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August 20, 2021

Minjee Lee

Carnoustie, Angus, Scotland, UK

Mixed Zone

Q. Can you talk us through your round?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I had a pretty solid first six holes. I think I just went out in pars, and yeah, just made one birdie and one bogey on the front nine and three birdies to finish. Pretty solid out there today.

Q. And birdie there at the last always makes Friday night dinner taste better?

MINJEE LEE: I hit such a good shot in. I was really happy I made birdie. It was a stress-free birdie, so I'm happy.

Q. Can you talk us through the 18th hole, the distances and clubs that you used?

MINJEE LEE: I hit driver off the tee and I think I had, I don't even know, like 155 metres and 175 metres to the pin or something like that to the pin, so yeah, it was a perfect number.

Q. Nicely positioned heading into the weekend. Do you feel like Carnoustie might offer you a low round?

MINJEE LEE: We'll just see. Depends on the weather. If we get no wind, I think it's very scorable. You know, obviously it's a tough test, but it's very fair. So if you hit good shots, you're going to get rewarded. So I think it all depends on the weather.

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