July 22, 2021
Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA
The Country Club of North Carolina
Quick Quotes
Q. You jumped up early, 5-up through 9. Talk about that getting that early lead. Did you do anything special?
CARSON BREWER: Yeah, I mean, I made a nice birdie on the first hole and then I made a long putt on 2, which was nice, for birdie, as well.
Q. How long?
CARSON BREWER: It was probably 30 feet. It was a really good putt. And then I won -- I was fortunate to win with par on 3, so I was 3-up through 3, which was nice. So that kind of took some of the pressure off, and I was able to just kind of play my game.
Got to 5-up, just kind of hit some good shots, made some good putts, and then Maxwell, he won a couple holes on the back, and then we just kind of -- I just kind of held on to it.
Q. When you get 5-up how hard is it not to get too complacent and say I've got to keep going?
CARSON BREWER: I don't know. All my coaches before, they always just tell me like in match play, you've always got to play like you're down. Never play like you're up. Even if you're 5- or 6-up, you've always got to play like you're 2-down, keep pressing. Not like overly aggressive but don't play it too conservative, either.
Q. Is this your first Junior?
CARSON BREWER: It is, yes, sir.
Q. You get to the quarterfinals of your first Junior and now you're exempt for next year into Bandon Dunes. Your thoughts on that? I don't know what your expectations were to start the week but you're in the final eight.
CARSON BREWER: No, it's awesome. It's a great tournament, so to be able to perform well is great. It's a good time.
Q. You had to qualify I'm sure this year, so next year you get a free pass to Bandon.
Q. I don't know if you've ever been to Bandon.
CARSON BREWER: I haven't. I've heard it's awesome, though.
Q. You're going to be a junior in high school; is that correct?
Q. Have you started to look at colleges?
CARSON BREWER: Not a ton. I mean, there's a lot of great programs. I'm just trying to listen to everybody and see what they have to say, take a few visits and then make a decision.
Q. What's it been like now to get to this point in the championship? You're in the last eight with some of these great players.
CARSON BREWER: Yes, sir. You said what was it like?
Q. What's it been like for you personally?
CARSON BREWER: It's been awesome. I've been playing well recently, but to really like put it out there on the board, the scorecard and perform, that's been nice.
Q. What's the biggest wins you've had?
CARSON BREWER: I mean, in this match play?
Q. No, the biggest wins you've had as a junior golfer. Has there been anything --
CARSON BREWER: I haven't won a ton recently, but I came second in the Florida Boys Junior, and then obviously I came second in the qualifier for this, which was nice.
Q. But this would obviously be the biggest thing in your --
Q. Have you played much national stuff?
CARSON BREWER: I have not. Not a ton. There's a lot of good junior golf in Florida, so we don't usually have to travel too much. But during the summertime we'll go out of state a little bit.
Q. So you haven't played say the Western Junior, the North and South Junior, those types of --
CARSON BREWER: I played the Southern Junior and then Future Masters, but I'll probably play Western Junior next year.
Q. The Southern was where?
CARSON BREWER: It was at Reynolds Plantation.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
