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July 1, 2021

Lucas Herbert

Thomastown, County Kilkenny, Ireland

Mount Juliet Estate

Quick Quotes

Q. Wonderful round of 8-under par 64, level par through five and 8-under for the last 13. Tell us about that from your point of view. What did you do particularly well?

LUCAS HERBERT: Yeah it was a bit of a slow start. Even sort of the first eight holes, I birdied 15, made a nice putt and then 17, hit it in there pretty tight for eagle and missed it. Even the first eight holes felt a little bit slow out there, only hitting the two-ball with Laurie, and we just both felt like we are hitting it quite nice and couldn't make any putts.

Yeah, made a really long one on 18 for birdie and that kind of sparked things and got things going. Was able to play really nice that last nine holes. Felt like I was trying to get to 5- or 6-under and I didn't really want to try and just attack really, really hard. It was just try and hit the ball in the right spots, give yourself some looks on the greens and felt like if I could get to 5- or 6-under that would be a really good day. A few more rolled in and I got to eight.

Q. Players were saying in practise it was starting to firm up a little bit.

LUCAS HERBERT: Yeah, you can see in the fairways, even walking up the 9th there, starting to get some fairways that look like some pretty typical Irish Open stuff. It's always fun when you come out and play some firm, fast golf courses. Coming from America, the rough is not as thick as probably been used to but it definitely up enough to make you interested out there.

It's a little bit tight in spots as well where you're not taking driver and just sending it. You have to play to some positions. Second group out we were, the greens were unbelievable. I can't remember putting on greens that nice. It was definitely good to get out early and take advantage of that. It will be interesting to see tomorrow afternoon how they are playing, but golf course is really nice.

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