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June 19, 2021

Scottie Scheffler

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Flash Interview

Q. You put yourself in a good position heading into tomorrow. What's the mindset?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Just go out there, try to get off to a good start, make some good swings early, kind of get the ball rolling and go from there really.

Q. Talk about the state of your game heading into this week and what your expectations were.

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I came in here expecting to play well. I had a good week at Memorial. I hit the ball so poorly in the first round, probably as bad as I've hit the ball all year, and I still could have had a round under par, just the way I was chipping and putting and kind of grinding.

So that was a really good feeling. That gave me a ton of confidence going into the next couple days just knowing how good my short game and putting was, so just going into tomorrow, I feel great about how I'm rolling it and just keep making good swings and put up a low number.

Q. Just assess your round from today.

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I felt like I played pretty solid. I made a couple silly mistakes. Hitting it over the green on 10 and 12, that was frustrating, but other than that I played some really solid golf. I made a crucial putt, I felt like, on 14 to kind of keep my round going. I hit two great shots there, got a gust on the wedge and it came up short and kind of in a bad spot but made a great 8-, 10-footer for par and a really nice birdie on 17 and hit some good shots on 18, just got a weird bounce on the putt and it lipped out.

Q. Do you like these weeks where you've really got to grind it out or do you like those weeks you can go super low?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I mean, I'd prefer it to be like this. I kind of enjoy the grind. I think it eliminates a lot of guys, and I really enjoy it. It's just one of those deals, I think if I was playing great on a birdie fest I would feel good there, too, but I really do enjoy the grind of a U.S. Open mentally and physically, just going out there and trying to beat up on the golf course.

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