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May 20, 2021

Shane Lowry

Kiawah Island, South Carolina, USA

The Ocean Course at Kiawah Island

Quick Quotes

Q. Tell me a little bit about the round.

SHANE LOWRY: I played great today. My putter let me down big time. I felt like I had four great chances or I had four putts inside 10 feet on 6, 7, 8, 9. You hole a couple of those and you turn in a couple under, but I turn in -- I just kind of grinded it out all day, and I was hitting good shot after good shot after good shot. I pulled my tee shot on 17, but where else are you going to hit it? You're not going to hit it right. I got a really, really bad break there. That was disappointing.

But I'm very happy the way I finished. I was very happy to bounce back from that double, with a birdie on the last especially. A hole like the last hole is not that easy, driver, 4-iron and holed the putt. It's really nice, going to make dinner taste a little bit nicer tonight. But it's kind of one of those rounds where I probably should have shot a couple under anyway, and I should be right in the tournament.

But I feel like the way I'm playing I am in the tournament, so yeah.

Q. Can you describe 17?

SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, I hit it left and it kind of pitched six inches over the bunker, and I don't know whether it was sand blowing out of the bunker by the wind, kind of plugged there. I didn't know where to stand, I didn't know where to hit it. I was thinking of taking the penalty shot. I thought the bunker shot was easier, then I hit it in the bunker and I hit it on the part of the bunker where there was no sand in it and I hit a bad bunker shot. It was a bit of -- yeah, it wasn't the best break I've ever got, but I suppose if I made 4 on 17 and had to par the last, I would have been like, oh, 1-over isn't that bad. To birdie the last and play the last two in 1-over was okay. I just need to go out tomorrow and do the same thing. If I hole a few putts I can be right there on the weekend.

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