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April 21, 2021

Haeji Kang

Los Angeles, California, USA

Wilshire Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Haeji, what a great round here at Wilshire. How do you feel after the first round?

HAEJI KANG: Actually the course was playing really differently to the last couple years because the greens were definitely softer, so we could definitely go for the greens, I mean flag to attack.

I had a lot of opportunities out there, yeah.

Q. What is it about this course that is fun or most exciting for you?

HAEJI KANG: I have to say we are right next to the Korean Town so we get to have authentic Korean meals every night. That really helps.

Q. You've got your mom here this week. How does it feel to have your family supporting you this week?

HAEJI KANG: I mean, they been always around me most of the time, so I don't really feel anything different.

She cooks breakfast in the morning which is little easier for me. I enjoy it, yeah.

Q. The course conditions, what's the hardest part about playing Wilshire?

HAEJI KANG: I would say about the greens, because some greens are very undulated and you have to be really good on the speed.

Greens can get bumpy in the afternoon, so that's kind of tricky, yeah.

Q. And what do you think will be a very low score this week?

HAEJI KANG: You mean for the four rounds or...

Q. Maybe just one round.

HAEJI KANG: I would say five or six.

Q. Five or six?

HAEJI KANG: Yeah, 5- or 6-under.

Q. Have you had Korean food every night here?


Q. What is your goal for this week?

HAEJI KANG: Actually I'm working on my putting, so I'm trying to just start my ball where I want to start it and then see how it end and then see what happens, yeah.

Q. Would you say that you feel really confident in the other parts of your game, long game and short game?

HAEJI KANG: Yeah, I would say so. Yeah.

Q. Last question: How long have you been working on that putting?

HAEJI KANG: I mean, I hit it pretty decent last week in Hawaii but I just couldn't make any putts.

So last two days I just been working hard on the practice greens.

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