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April 11, 2021

Will Zalatoris

Augusta, Georgia, USA

Clubhouse Interview

Q. Here with Will Zalatoris. Will, you might not have won, but you have certainly arrived. This was an unbelievable week. Can you just explain the psychology of being able to stay within yourself in the moment and contend, up until the very last stretch on Sunday at the Masters.

WILL ZALATORIS: No, I can't. But I think I just -- I've wanted to be on this stage for forever, for basically my entire life. So I think, if anything, it's like you finally get to this moment, and why shy away now? I've gotten here. So let's go do some damage. It was a fun week.

Q. The maturity has been incredible. You told me you've had your phone off all week. You haven't even turned it on. So good luck when you do turn it on. What have you learned about yourself, both emotionally and also about your game, that's going to pay dividends now moving forward?

WILL ZALATORIS: Yeah, I can play with the best players in the world. I felt like I played well this week, but I felt like I left a lot out there. The first one's coming. I've just got to keep plotting. Obviously, for my first time to really be in contention to be at the Masters is pretty special.

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