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April 11, 2021

Kevin Na

Augusta, Georgia, USA

Quick Quotes

Q. I was just hoping you could describe what it looks like to you when an Asian-born player is on the verge obviously --

KEVIN NA: No, I'm happy for Hideki. Hideki is an awesome player. I remember losing a playoff to him at Memorial. He's an amazing player. I told him early in his career when I played with him, I said, You've got to be a major champion some day; you're that good. I actually played in a pro-am with him in Sony Open when he was an amateur and I was the pro in the group, and it's nice to see.

Q. In terms of representation, to have that, to have that Japanese player wearing a green jacket, what do you think that means?

KEVIN NA: It means a lot. I know Y.E. Yang won the PGA Championship, the first Asian-born player to win a major, and then first Asian-born to win the Masters, it's a big deal. It's not over yet, but I'm thinking that he does. It would be huge for the Asia side, yeah.

Q. I think a lot of people don't understand representation in golf. What does that word mean to you --

KEVIN NA: We represent -- everybody represents something, whether it's your hometown, your country, or whether it's race. You represent something. We try to act professional and we try to make everyone proud. Sometimes that's not always the case, but we try.

Q. Do you think about it often yourself? I was out there on the 11th hole on the practice round, you signed a couple gloves for guys -- I don't know if you remember doing that.

KEVIN NA: I did?

Q. Yeah, a couple Korean-Americans.

KEVIN NA: Yeah, on the practice round, yeah.

Q. They were shaking. They were so thrilled that you did that for them, and I'm just curious if you think about that?

KEVIN NA: Yeah, it's nice to give support. They said something in Korean, 'Let's go, Kev, go get this thing,' and it means a lot. I'm an American citizen but I still have a lot of respect for where I come from, for my heritage, and you know what, I'm proud to be both. Asian American, Korean American, whatever you want to call it, I'm proud to be both.

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