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April 2, 2021

Moriya Jutanugarn

Rancho Mirage, California, USA

Mission Hills Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Solid day, 3-under. You're the solo leader in the clubhouse. Has to feel good. Just take us through the day that got you to 3-under today.

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: It was another pretty solid round for me. You know, just have to be a lot of patient out there. Seems like the wind blowing starting this morning and it's just make it different.

And, yeah, just like trying to be patient out there and just take it when I can.

Q. Was that a big adjustment? Seems like there was wind this morning when you started but didn't seem to phase you. Was that an adjustment in your game?

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: I feel like we always going to play in the wind here. You know, like every time, every year we come it's always going to be kind of windy.

Yeah, it's just like I feel like everyone just have to adjust for it.

Q. That's two very solid rounds in a row on a very tough golf course, a course that's supposed to be tough. What's the key to making this course not a double bogey course? You're just making pars and birdies. How are you avoiding the big numbers?

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: I do make some bogeys. Just what I say, like, you know, just about patient out there. Just, I mean, I'm not a long hitter so I just have to take what I can and just trying to play smart and put myself into, you know, like places I can have a good chance.

Q. A lot of people say this is a long hitter's golf course and you're not, so is it the wedge game, is the putter that's most important to you?

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: It kind of everything, I guess. Just like I trying to like focus on myself, trying to hit fairway and greens, and just what I say, like when you can get it close, I try. When I can't, I just play safe.

Q. Hey, Mo, it's just your second start of the year. You guys started your season so much later than usual. What did you do during your time off?

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: Pretty much just nothing. (Laughter.) I mean, of course spending time in Thailand is fun, you know, and always never been enough to be home of course with family and friends. That's pretty much I do. Just hanging out, enjoying.

Because last season is kind of like so many things going on. Everyone having like a lot of tough years, and, I mean, it just like I feels like I need a little bit more break for that and just come back when I feels like it's ready and I rest enough.

Q. I was going to say, Mo, as you're going down the back nine especially, are you one to watch any leaderboards or check the leaderboard at all? Did you know where you were as you were going through the second round?

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: Well, like myself, most of the time I only focus on like what I'm going to do or just trying to enjoy myself and entertaining myself out there. You know, like trying to have fun.

But of course like it's like the leaderboard is like everywhere on the golf course and you can see it, but trying to not -- I try to not pay attention on it.

Q. What does it mean to you to be playing this well right now, especially at a major championship in only your second event this season?

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: For me it just like, you know, feels like -- it's so nice to be back and compete again, and it just like -- it's going to take a little bit of time. Like, I mean, last year I didn't had a good week, but it just like -- you know, a little bit of tune up and then just like had to get me ready for the rest of the season.

Q. What are some of the tune up things you've been working on?

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: Pretty much just like my commitment I guess, because I haven't been compete for a long time. Like that kind of thing is like -- you know, it's just not as sharp, so I just kind of sharp it up.

Q. It's funny you say that. We had Ariya in here yesterday and that's exactly what she said. She said she's working on her commitment. Is it nice having your sister along with you this week, like any other week, especially at a major championship, both working on similar things?

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: Always nice to have my sister, of course. I mean, I'll see her every week, not just the major week. You know, like we kind of helping each other but also like making each other going crazy, just kind of sister thing.

But I enjoy having her around.

Q. Last one I have for you. You had a fun sister thing yesterday with the same outfits.


Q. And then different outfits today and you did better. Is that going to be a point of emphasis, different outfits over the weekend?

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: Actually yesterday is like I haven't planned for it, we didn't plan for it, but it just happened, and that's happen a lot with us like since growing up. It's kind of funny, yeah. I don't know why, but I don't know, maybe we could match again tomorrow without like talking to each other.

Q. You lay it out, right? You plan it out?

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: I always plan it out at night because I don't have to worry or like thinking of what I'm going to wear today, so pretty much I grab it before she think of what she going to wear.

Q. One other question. Having Vision 54 with you here on site working together, how much more helpful is that not having to do it though video but having them here with you?

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: To be honest, I haven't see them over a year, so, yeah, it's kind of funny. Like we are only in like just keep in touch but I haven't see them since like January last year I think.

It's so nice to get back to see each other again, and every time when you see them it's just like, you know, a lot of good energies and at least you know you go towards the right way.

Of course like just need a tune up and sharp it up this week and they help me a lot.

Q. This is only your second event back. Normally it would take someone a while to get warmed up and back in the groove of competition. You seem to have jumped right back in. How is that possible?

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: I do take some time. Like last week it's kind of like -- it's pretty hard -- I had a hard time. This week I just like, Okay, I'm just going to focus on what I have to do and it's -- I'm telling you it's tough because, you know, I haven't been compete for a long time.

Well, I just trying to like focus on what I have to do and hopefully it work out better and better during the season.

Q. So obviously you and Ariya have quite the different personality. How do Lynn and Pia manage both of you all separately and not just as the Jutanugarn Sisters?

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: First of all, like they very good at it because we are so much different. I think like they know our tendency what kind of are going to be. Yeah, they know us a lot, like pretty good, because we been with them for a long time. Of course we kind of work on the same thing, but not really.

But, yeah, they know us really well.

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