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March 13, 2021

Nikoloz Basilashvili

Doha, Qatar

Press Conference

N. BASILASHVILI/R. Bautista Agut

7-6, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You went to the tournament with two wins from your past 16 matches, I believe. How delighted are you to obviously turn that run around and win the title here?

NIKOLOZ BASILASHVILI: Super happy. I was not expecting that. But same time, I was working a lot. I was feeling good on court.

I was playing last half of year with a lot of stress in my body. I was not able to put 100% on court on any matches.

This week I somehow find a way to deal with these stressful moments and very happy to get through.

Q. You have now won your past four ATP Tour finals. What would you put that success down to being able to play these big matches so well recently?

NIKOLOZ BASILASHVILI: Sorry, can you repeat the question again?

Q. You have won your last four ATP Tour finals. Do you believe there is any reason behind this form and how you're able to bring out your best tennis in these big matches?

NIKOLOZ BASILASHVILI: I don't know. I am somehow managing to play good on more tougher conditions or tougher matches, you know. This tournament was one of the strongest 250s I have ever seen probably. We had four top 10 players.

To be able to win it, it's interesting why am I playing good in these big tournaments, you know, big matches. Yeah, surprising and same time happy. Yeah.

Q. Thanks a lot, and congratulations.


Q. Was it difficult coming into a tournament with such an obvious favorite, although coming back from injury? Did that incentivize you and spur you on to beat him and go on and win the tournament?

NIKOLOZ BASILASHVILI: Sorry, can you repeat again?

Q. With Roger Federer in the draw and making his return, I think there was a lot of attention focused on him and a lot of hope and expectation that he would win. Did that spur you on? Did that incentivize you to go the distance?

NIKOLOZ BASILASHVILI: Well, first of all, I think for Roger, even though if he would be completely ready, in my opinion, it's tough to come back and play these competitive matches. Everything changes when you play matches. Even though if you practice a lot, tournament matches are completely different.

So I think, you know, it would be pretty tough for him first match after 14 months, but in my case, it give me a lot of confidence. Even though he came back after a long time, for me to beat Roger, my idol (smiling), it gave me a lot of confidence. That's why I think I played the next two matches a bit more relaxed.

Q. You played really well in crucial moments on your backhand today. How pleased are you overall with your game, especially considering the windy conditions today?

NIKOLOZ BASILASHVILI: Very tough conditions. It was very strong gusts today. But I had good mindset, you know. From the beginning I was accepting things very good.

I was concentrated on just to play the game and just to look at the ball and move a lot. It was tough physically, as well, because for sure you have to move twice a hard. And I manage that.

Very, very happy, again. Yeah.

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