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March 5, 2021

Nelly Korda

Ocala, Florida, USA

Golden Ocala

Quick Quotes

Q. You have played so well coming into this. Obviously the win last week. It's easy to keep playing well, but to win back to back, some people might have trouble with that. How do you get over the elation of last week and get yourself ready mentally to play this week?

NELLY KORDA: I was actually telling Jay, my caddie, that props to the people this win back to back. Honestly, it's so mentally draining. I played on Tuesday, I played the back nine and I was just like, I do not want to be out here.

But it's just something where you're like, Okay, it's the first day. Let's go, come on. It's good to have a good support system like Jay and to keep yourself positive and make sure you play well every week.

Q. The scores yesterday in the afternoon weren't nearly good as they were in the morning. Today a little bit that was the case as well. How different did the course play in the afternoon? I know the conditions were ideal, but the scores weren't as good.

NELLY KORDA: Conditions were really nice. It was just more the greens. They get a little bumpy in the afternoon. So I think that definitely plays a big part in why the scores are not as good in the afternoon.

Q. Trailing by three what's the mindset heading into the first tee tomorrow?

NELLY KORDA: Stay consistent, play my game, and see how it goes.

Q. Obviously I think everybody has seen the forecast for tomorrow.


Q. How do you anticipate the course to shape up with what you've seen?

NELLY KORDA: I think the biggest part on this golf course are the greens. There are lower scores in the morning because they're fresh and they do get bumpy in the afternoon. So greens play a big part in the scores, so just going to stay positive.

Everyone is going to be playing through that weather, so see how it goes.

Q. Sleep in a little bit. That'll be nice.

NELLY KORDA: I tried sleeping in today and I woke up at like 7:20. I was like, Okay, great. Waking up at 5:30 every single day.

Q. Obviously the tribute holes out here are a big mark of the course. Is there one that maybe stands out a little more to you that maybe looks a little more realistic?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I think 11. The Postage Stamp, it was actually really funny. We played there last year. I did not hit that green once that British last year so I was this every bunker possible.

Definitely I think 11 I would say from like TV standpoint. I've never actually really been out to Augusta and I played the postage stamp or played that golf course last year and I've never played St. Andrews.

So I'll go to those golf course and be like, Oh, my god, this is a replica of Ocala. (Laughter.)

Q. Have you played any of the other like Muirfield or any of the other ones?

NELLY KORDA: No, so really everything is going to be a replica of Ocala.

Q. That's hilarious. Do you like this position you're in or knowing that there are two weeks do you push a little harder this week and go for it a little more?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I mean, I guess it puts more pressure at people that are first because everyone is going to go out and try to get them. So just going to try and stay aggressive. Greens are going to be a really big part for the weekend. See how it goes.

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