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February 6, 2021

Will Zalatoris

Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

TPC Scottsdale

Quick Quotes

Q. Will, nice bogey-free 64. Thoughts on the round today.

WILL ZALATORIS: Yeah, it was kind of an interesting front nine. I think I only hit four greens and shot 4-under, sp getting the most out of the round for sure.

Hopefully just drive it a little bit better tomorrow. Even though I didn't make any bogeys today, just make it a little more stress-free.

Q. You're at 53rd in the world right now. You get into that top 50 a lot of stuff opens up for you. Is that a little bit on your mind?

WILL ZALATORIS: Yeah. I mean, a little bit. Good golf takes care of everything. The immediate where I'm at though is the only way how I jump out of the category that I'm at is if I win. Kind of playing with house money, if you will.

So, yeah, definitely the top 50 opens some doors, but like we've said all along, good golf takes care of itself. If you told me I would be standing here today six months ago, I would've thought you were on something.

So obviously it's a great position to be in.

Q. What was working so well for you? You said you were a little off at the start of the round.

WILL ZALATORIS: I didn't really hit many fairways today. Just been streaky with the driver lately. When I miss greens I miss them in the right spots, and was able to save par from couple of interesting places.

But just pretty flawless today in terms of getting the most out of the round. I really only left one out there on 13, but considering I even had a chance there for birdie there considering where the tee shot was, it was nice.

Q. What's it been like seeing your name up there with guys like Spieth and Stricker and the guys up in the lead?

WILL ZALATORIS: Yeah, I've known Jordan since I was nine years old. It's fun. It's something that you've always dreamed up. To finally be up there with the guys I've admired for so long is obviously humbling and a lot of fun.

Q. Nice to see his name back on the leaderboard, huh?

WILL ZALATORIS: It is. Yeah, he's been playing some good golf at home, so it was just a matter of time.

Q. You play with him at Maridoe?

WILL ZALATORIS: Yeah, Maridoe. We always try to get a game every now and again, so...

Q. So you've seen it?

WILL ZALATORIS: I've seen it. Yeah, I'll have to brag on him, but he maybe had one of the most ridiculous chip-ins I think I've ever seen about two weeks ago at home.

I knew it was coming.

Q. Was there anything on the line for that chip-in?


Q. No? Didn't really matter?

WILL ZALATORIS: No, just out there for fun.

Q. Getting into concession and WGC and all that stuff, that wouldn't be a big deal for you?

WILL ZALATORIS: It's just part -- I mean, you know, like I said, six months ago I -- if you think of it actually you go back farther. I probably wouldn't have played the Open if COVID didn't happen. Probably wouldn't have tried to qualify just because it would've been during the week of a Korn Ferry event and would've put all my focus on the Korn Ferry Tour.

I made the most of it and been making the most of it ever since. Like I said, just kind of playing with house money. Obviously playing in WGCs and everything would be great, but if anything I want to be in that FedExCup by the end of the year.

Good golf takes care of everything.

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