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January 22, 2021

Josh Scobee

Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA

Tranquilo Golf Course

Quick Quotes

Q. Sounds like you had a good round today. Talk about the highs and lows of your round today.

JOSH SCOBEE: Well, I would say starting out the first few holes were not that great for me, but the beauty of this format and this course and tournament is that even if you make a double bogey or bogey, you can bring it right back with a birdie or something better.

So I didn't let it affect me. I think I shot 2-over on the front, but still had 16 points. I kind of just focused on the back and came out and had a few birdies and an eagle and turned it around and had a great round.

Q. That's great. So this is your first time playing in this event. Talk about the event as a whole.

JOSH SCOBEE: Well, I've been wanting to play in this event for quite a few years. Getting to play in it this year, I was motivated, extremely excited. When I got invited a few weeks ago I was pumped, and it really got me motivated to start practicing and get prepared for a really fun tournament.

I've watched it over the years, seen how it's grown and developed. I've seen just how much of a great job everyone that works in this tournament does to grow this tournament. And not only for the field and for the fun of the tournament, but the charity and the money that is raised that goes to really good causes.

I mean, I wanted to be involved. I'm really excited to be here.

Q. Talk about your golf game a little bit and how much you play golf.

JOSH SCOBEE: I play golf way too much. I would say that. Probably three or four times a week. I mean, I love golf. It's my obsession. Especially tournament golf.

So getting to be able to compete against other athletes, either current or former athletes, whatever celebrity they are, it's a blast. We get to hang out with these guys and just the camaraderie we have is amazing.

There are guys I haven't seen in a few years that I've seen this week that we're good friends, we communicate, but we haven't seen each other in person in a long time.

So really excited to be here.

Q. I don't know how closely you pay attention to the NFL and the Jaguars in particular, but if so, can you talk the momentum surrounding the franchise hiring Urban Meyer and the No. 1 overall pick?

JOSH SCOBEE: Oh, yeah. Obviously I'm very involved with the Jaguars. I live in Jacksonville. That's my team. I'm never going to root for another team.

Really excited about the hiring of Urban Meyer. I wish he was here this week. I wish he was able to play. Obviously he has a lot of other things going on.

But I think it's going to be a good thing for the Jaguars. He brings a lot of passion, knowledge in the coaching department, and he's going to hire a great staff. Obviously we have the No. 1 overall pick, which everyone is assuming it's going to be Trevor Lawrence from Clemson.

And then we have a lot of draft capital in the first rounds and the second rounds, and then we have a lot of money for free agency signing.

So I think things are looking up for the team. I think the dark days for the past few years are kind of behind us and there is a lot of enthusiasm.

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