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January 16, 2021

Kevin Na

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Waialae Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. You posted the best store of the week so far, six holes in 6-under par on the way to that 61. What words would you use to describe that round?

KEVIN NA: I played fantastic. My ball-striking was great and the fact that I had an outside look at a magic number, 59, was exciting. It was fun. You know, when I missed that putt on 17, I was so disappointed because I was really trying to make that putt to have a chance for 59, because you can definitely eagle last hole. Book said it was going right, Kenny and I had it going right and it went left, it happens.

Q. How do you keep it momentum going into tomorrow?

KEVIN NA: I'm striking the ball very well. I'm making my share of putts. These greens can be really tricky out there and the grains can fool you. And it's tough to read. If I can make some momentum putts tomorrow, I think I'll be all right.

Q. Sensational round of golf. How would you describe a 61 today, tying your career low?

KEVIN NA: It was real solid. I hit it really good and gave myself a lot of looks, and I made my share of putts. It's not like it was an extremely hot crazy putting round like Vegas. If I can keep this up, keep this ball-striking up, I'll have a good look tomorrow.

Q. Speaking of that ball-striking, this was a golf course that I don't think we anticipated to get the amount of moisture we did. When you got here, how much did it change the ability to go at these greens compared to yesterday?

KEVIN NA: Yesterday I was in the afternoon wave and it was definitely firming up and some of these fairways are easy enough, you hit through the fairways, and the greens were bouncing. I saw that it got a little bit of shower and I knew the scores were going to be gettable today.

You know what, it's still somewhat dry out there but it's perfect, perfect conditions and I am sure it will be a little bit more drier tomorrow. It's not a golf course you need to overpower. Just keep hitting it straight.

Q. How big did the hole feel to you today, when you know if you put it on line, it's going to be a pure roll for you?

KEVIN NA: The greens roll great but the only difficult part is the grains are sometimes difficult to judge. You know, we've had a couple putts this week and just not -- not just myself, even my fellow playing partners, where it looks like it's going to do one thing and it doesn't. If you can just read these greens well, you're going to be really ahead of the field.

Q. Put yourself in a great position. What do you want from your game to get it done tomorrow?

KEVIN NA: The golf course is so gettable that somebody can go shoot 8- or 9-under. Yeah, I am in a good position but it's what you shoot Sunday. I'm still going to need a low one tomorrow. It all depends where the guys finish. I don't think I'm going to have the lead when it's all said and done today, so I might need maybe six more tomorrow. That's what I'm thinking.

Q. If you had missed the putt on 18 and shot 62, would you have thrown your putter at the bag?

KEVIN NA: No, just at Kenny (laughing). I played great. I made my share of putts. The only disappointing putt -- I did miss a few. I missed a 3 1/2 footer on 6, but 17, you're thinking, okay, I make birdie here, eagle and I have a chance for a 59 and how often do you get a chance to for that magic number. And it's definitely in your head. If you're a professional golfer, it's in your head. It was fun and exciting. Unfortunately we misread that putt totally but you know what, I made a nice one on 18.

Q. What did you hit on 9?

KEVIN NA: I hit a 5-wood, I think it was like 235-ish and almost had a chance of going in for a 2.

Q. Best birdie today?

KEVIN NA: I think the best putt I made was on 14. I had a huge left-to-right breaking putt and it just curled in. I think that was my best one.

Q. Did you ever a long one on the par 3?

KEVIN NA: I did make one. It's whatever you've done for me lately. It was like a 45-footer from two feet off the green. That was nice, too. But I just missed a short one on the hole before.

Q. I asked Mitch, about playing with a guy who shoots 62 and today it's 61, 63.

KEVIN NA: It's nice when you and your playing partners are making a lot of birdies, you're seeing a lot of good putts and a lot of good shots. We were edging each other on, giving each other fist-pumps. I called one on his putt on 11 I had the putter up for him. We had a good time.

Q. You haven't played here often, right?

KEVIN NA: So the last couple years, I was here. Two years ago I played Maui -- I didn't play Maui. I broke a finger, tried to play here, couldn't play. Last year I played Maui, came here, hurt my neck and I didn't play. I actually pulled my rib Wednesday before the Pro-Am and was like, here we go again, but I'm just happy to be playing. Maybe that's the attitude I need.

Q. In the middle of a run like you had with four in a row, is it easier to stay in the moment when the fans aren't around?

KEVIN NA: I like the fan roars. It feels good and it makes you feel good. That's what we play for. I didn't grow up dreaming about making a putt on the last hole with nobody around. I dreamed about a huge crowd. We missed the fans and hopefully they will be back next year.

Q. When did you first start walking your putts in?

KEVIN NA: I didn't invent it. I always watched pros do it and I always imitated it. I've done a good job of getting good at it, that's for sure.

Q. Is there anybody in particular that you followed?

KEVIN NA: There's so many guys, I can't just name one.

Q. What's the longest you've gone chasing one in?

KEVIN NA: I don't know. I'm sure I've run a 30-footer in before.

Q. You had a pretty decent one on 13.

KEVIN NA: Did I? It wasn't my full-on. You know, these grains, they can get you at the end so you just kind of give one of these at the end sometimes.

Q. More likely to do it on bent than poa?

KEVIN NA: Definitely.

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