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December 8, 2020

Georgia Hall

Houston, Texas, USA

Champions Golf Club

Press Conference

Q. Does it feel strange to be playing in December?

GEORGIA HALL: A little bit. I mean, my season normally finishes by now, so it was strange going to the airport with the decorations everywhere, things like that.

But, no, I mean, it's perfect weather. Much better than England, so I'm very happy to be here.

Q. Does your preparation change at all?

GEORGIA HALL: I mean, I had two weeks in England and it was kind of locked down and the weather was really bad, so not like the amazing prep. But I've come here Saturday night and had a good two practice days, so should be fine.

Q. That's good. It's been a crazy year in so many ways with wildfires at Wentworth and then Oregon. Are you hoping for a normal golf event?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, definitely. Fingers crossed it had should be as well. It's been a really tough year for everyone regarding the golf schedule.

You know, all credit to LPGA, Mike Whan, and the LET for putting on as many events as they can.

Q. Does your victory in the Portland Classic in September and your performance in Saudi Arabia give you the added confidence here at the U.S. Open?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, of course. I've had a really successful year, and hopefully the last two events will end on a high. Yeah, I'm definitely confident going into this week.

It's U.S. Open. I think it will always be a test.

Q. How are the two courses playing?

GEORGIA HALL: Pretty long. I think the main course is quite a bit longer and tougher. All in all, the greens are very, very quick and slopey, so I think it will be pretty tough out there.

Q. Of course. It's a U.S. Open.


Q. How do you like your chances playing this week?

GEORGIA HALL: I think the course -- I mean, tee to green I think it's suits me. It's pretty long, which I like. I just need to make sure to get the pace right around the greens. I think the greens will be tricky for everyone. I do like the course, so yeah, see how we go.

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