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November 6, 2020

Rafael Nadal

Paris, France

Press Conference

R. NADAL/P. Carreno Busta

4-6, 7-5, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You have always matched up really well against Pablo and certainly tonight was no different. You, in the third set, won the last five games of the match. How did you manage to turn tonight's match around so well?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I think he started playing well. The problem was he was winning his serves too comfortable, no? I was not able to return enough well, to create problems on him.

So then when you feel that you are not suffering on your serve you are able to play with more freedom, more relaxed on the returns, play more aggressive, and I think that was the problem tonight, no?

Of course I have to give him a lot of credit that he did a lot of things very well, played very aggressive.

But talking about my side, that's the thing that really matters to me, I need to return better, no? My serve is working well, I think, so the rest of the game more or less I am playing better and better.

I need to return better if I want to have chances to keep going.

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