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October 7, 2020

Rafael Nadal

Paris, France

Press Conference

R. NADAL/J. Sinner

7-6, 6-4, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Tonight was a record finish for the French Open in terms of how late the match finished.

RAFAEL NADAL: Can you repeat?

Q. Tonight was a record late finish for the French Open, 1:25 in the morning. Do you think five matches on the main court is okay or are you okay with playing so late?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, the problem is the weather. Having two days in the middle is not a big deal. Of course, is not ideal finish, a match at 1:30 in the morning. But the problem is the weather. Is too cold to play. Honestly, is very, very cold to play tennis, no?

I know football players plays under these conditions, but is little bit different. They are all the time moving. We stop, we come back, we stop on the changeovers. It is a sport that you are stopped in a lot of moments, no?

I think is little bit dangerous for the body play with these very heavy conditions. But that's what happened today.

I really don't know why they put five matches on the Chatrier today. That was a risk. I saw immediately yesterday when they send me the schedule because there is a chance there is a couple of long matches. That's what happened. Little bit unlucky, of course.

For me, I just tried to be patient, accept everything, and be in a positive shape. That's what I did.

Q. Forward to the semifinal. You lost to Diego in the Italian Open. Will that have any factor on this match coming forward? What sort of challenge do you expect from the Argentine in the semifinals?

RAFAEL NADAL: Of course, is a challenge. No, no, when you lost to somebody, is because he's playing well. Today he played an amazing match against one of the best players of the world, without a doubt, especially on this surface.

He's coming with big confidence, no? Two weeks in a row... He's in the final in Rome, he's in the semifinals here. He beat me there. It's a plus of confidence for him. I know that.

I'm going to try to go on court, play my best, try to play my game, play aggressive, try to do something a little bit different than what I did in Rome, of course. Hope to be ready to play my best. That's what I need. That's what I am looking for. I going to give my best until the end.

I have two days to practice the things that I need to keep improving, and that's what I going to do.

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