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October 10, 2020

Kevin Na

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

TPC Summerlin

Quick Quotes

Q. Kevin, what a solid round of golf for you. You were really good on the outward nine; turn at 30 and really boosted by that eagle on the 9th. Tell me about that.

KEVIN NA: Yeah, I played really good on the front. Made a lot of good shots, made some putts.

9 I had a perfect 4-iron in there to about somewhere around 10, 12 feet. It was nice to make an eagle there, first eagle of the week.

The back nine the wind started picking up. It was definitely tough with the crosswinds and the short iron to gauge the distance.

You know, I had some good shots but missed some putts. I felt like I had a great drive to give myself an eagle putt. I hit a good putt; didn't go in.

Then on 18 I just didn't hit that good of a putt.

Q. I was standing up at 17. I thought that ball was in the water. Good or bad break, you were actually inside the redline penalty area, but in an old divot.

KEVIN NA: No, it was obviously a great break. Any time it stays out of the hazard it's -- I mean, it was inside the hazard line but dry. I was very fortunate it stayed up. It wasn't that bad of a shot. The wind took it, landed on the green, and just trickled off. I was lucky I got away with a par.

Q. You took advantage of the good luck. That was a great chip. Thoughts going into Sunday? Who knows what's going to happen here on this inward nine with the wind up.

KEVIN NA: Yeah, I felt like I really needed that one on 18 for tomorrow, but still got a chance. Got another day. I think the winds are going to be a little less tomorrow. I figure 7-under, I got a chance to win.

Q. Hot start to the round on the front nine; a little bit cooler on the back. As you said, the wind picked up and got a little tricky. How would you assess your play out there?

KEVIN NA: I played well, made a couple good putts. My driving is feeling pretty good and everything feels pretty good. I played really good on the front nine with that eagle on the last -- I mean on 9. It was a big boost.

And the other side just a couple short irons with crosswind it was difficult to judge. I thought with the wind it was playing at least a shot and a half harder on the back nine. I got a little lucky on 17 getting that ball staying dry and being able to make par.

A little disappointed on 18, but I'm in a good position for tomorrow.

Q. Do you feel coming off the win last year and as someone who lives here in Las Vegas or the Las Vegas area, do you feel as comfortable out here, not just in these conditions, but playing this golf course?

KEVIN NA: Yeah, it's nice to get done with the round and go home and eat at home and spend time with family. It's nice.

And I feel -- it's where I live. I know what the ball is going to do and the what the green is going to do. I feel comfortable out here and it's a good golf course for me; it suits well. Won here twice and had a second here, so I like to get another win here.

Q. Jim Furyk is the only one who has ever gone back to back here.


Q. What do you feel like you need to do tomorrow...

KEVIN NA: I need to make more putts. I made some good putts today, but I definitely left a few out there.

I mean, obviously compared to last year it's not even close. I bet you maybe one strokes gained through the field for three days, which isn't much.

Hitting the ball really well, but some of these putts -- I've hit some good putts that didn't go in, but like that putt on the last one, you got to make that, yeah.

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