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September 25, 2020

Erik Spoelstra

Miami Heat

Game 5: Pregame

Q. How much is proactive and reactive when it comes to rotations? Last game Boston went small, you didn't play Kelly Olynyk. Is it a matter of how the other team goes or do you sort of have your card of the order you want to go regardless? How does that play out when it comes to the rotation?

ERIK SPOELSTRA: A little bit of both, and when you get to this part of the series, deeper end of the series, it's all hands on deck, and whatever is necessary. I think you're seeing that with both teams.

Q. I know Solomon [Hill] said you spoke to him. Is there a point maybe at the walk-through where you go up to that night's rotation and sort of let guys know that even though they are supposed to always be ready but they will be ready-ready?

ERIK SPOELSTRA: Yeah, of course. You don't want to totally surprise somebody.

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