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September 19, 2020

Mel Reid

Portland, Oregon, USA

Columbia Edgewater Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. First of all, happy birthday.

MEL REID: Thank you.

Q. Secondly, after a couple days like this, is the confidence where it looks to be to us on the outside watching?

MEL REID: Yeah, I mean, I felt like I hit it really good last week, so kind of took that momentum going into this week. I think it did me a favor having an extra day off. I was pretty tired from last week.

Yeah, it obviously feels good. Put myself in a great position, a position that everyone wants to be in, so I'm excited for the opportunity tomorrow.

Q. Easy to look at it on paper and call these uncharted waters on the LPGA Tour, but you've got a lot of experience winning on the LET. How much will you rely on than as you think ahead to tomorrow?

MEL REID: Yeah, I mean, it's been a (indiscernible), not going to lie to you, so, look, whatever happens tomorrow it's going to be kind of a good week for me.

You know, obviously I'm just going to keep the same mindset. Dez is doing a great job on the bag, and wouldn't want anyone else with me out there. So, yeah, just keep doing the same thing and see where tomorrow afternoon takes us.

Q. Will you be watching -- well, your phone, as it is throughout the day or at the end of the day?

MEL REID: Not really. I mean, there are no scoreboards out there, which is kind of difficult. I mean, it might work in my favor to a certain degree. Just kind of keep my head down and see where it goes.

But, yeah, I probably won't look at it too much. I'll probably just get a rough idea of how the course is playing, if people are going low early then I'll know there are a lot of birdie opportunities there.

But, yeah, I'll just kind of keep my head down.

Q. And lastly, low-key birthday celebrations this evening?

MEL REID: Yeah, I'm not allowed, so I am having to save it until tomorrow night. Yeah, hopefully will make it an extra special this year.

Q. First of all, happy birthday.

MEL REID: Thank you.

Q. How do you feel after the second round at Cambia and because it's your special day?

MEL REID: Yeah, I mean, I think that is the lowest I've shot my birthday, which is nice. Like I said yesterday I never made the cut here, so I actually had a joke with Dez when I knocked it to a couple feet on the last. I said, I think I can 15-putt this and still make the cut.

So it's been a bonus week already. Obviously great position going into tomorrow, the position that everyone wants, so looking forward for the opportunity.

Q. Compared to the previous years, do you think this year it's different because of the course conditions or also because of your game and where you are?

MEL REID: I think it's certainly my game, where I'm at kind of mentally, physically, technically. We've put in a lot of hard work the last few months.

So, yeah, it's just nice to see it's paying off. Yeah, game feels very solid. Kind of couple loose shots out there that I had which I'm going to try and work on now, but I've given myself the best opportunity for tomorrow and going to go with the same mindset and see what happens.

Q. And you're heading into the last round as the leader. Putting yourself in both shoes, do you find yourself having more fun when you're chasing somebody or when you're in the lead?

MEL REID: Doesn't really matter. This is the position everyone wants. There is obviously going to be some low scores tomorrow, but me and Dez just kind of said, Same thing tomorrow. We'll see what happens. It's kind of been a good week already. Obviously it would be nice it kind of top it off.

But, yeah, just keep in my own little bubble. There is nothing I can control other than what I'm doing, and that's the mentality I'll take into tomorrow.

Q. How about the strongest part of your game. Do you think it's putting? Long game? Short game? A little bit of everything?

MEL REID: Right now it's kind of a little bit of everything. I've hit a couple loose drives which is kind of unlike me. My driver is probably my strength. My putter is behaving, which is very unusual. That's feeling pretty good right now.

Yeah, everything feels pretty good honestly. There is nothing really that I'm uncomfortable with, and it's quite a nice feeling.

Q. How do you feel light out there during 18 holes? Are there any things that you say to yourself or maybe a snack that you like to eat to keep yourself light?

MEL REID: The only snacks I have is kind of like fruit and nuts. I can't have sugar to eat on the golf course. My adrenaline is up so much.

But, yeah, just been working hard with my psychologist, so obviously a few things that we've talked about. Not going to give away any secrets. But, yeah, we've already seen -- I've only worked with him for five weeks and already seen huge progress.

Yeah, just very happy with the way things are kind of unfolding.

Q. Lastly, because it is your birthday.

MEL REID: It is my birthday, but don't say my age.

Q. Yes. How are you going to celebrate and what are you going to do ahead of tomorrow?

MEL REID: We had a few friends over last night, had pizza. I'm obviously trying to be behave myself, which is very unlike me. Celebrations will start tomorrow no matter what for my birthday.

Yeah, I've got to be well behaved over tonight and I was well behaved last night, which is shocking to many people.

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