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September 13, 2020

Nelly Korda

Rancho Mirage, California, USA

Mission Hills Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. We're here with Nelly Korda. A great performance here, no matter what the outcome. Walk us through the last couple holes here and what happened in the playoff for you?

NELLY KORDA: I played solid today. Had a couple bogeys kind of starting on the back nine, but I kept my calm, didn't hit a really good shot on 18 off the tee both times, so I kind of -- that's what kind of got me in trouble there.

Q. Were you aware of Mirim's eagle in the group in front of you before you came up?

NELLY KORDA: No idea, no. She must have played amazing golf coming in, so props to her.

Q. You hit a great shot on 14 and had a two-shot lead after that birdie. How were you feeling at that point?

NELLY KORDA: I felt good, but you still had so much golf to be played. It's not over until you make that last putt on 18, and anything can happen, and unfortunately it went the other way, but I'll take all the experience I can get.

Q. What did it feel like to come down to the bitter end like that? You've contended before, but you were in there until --

NELLY KORDA: I'm taking positives from this week. My game is trending upward, and it's good.

Q. Good to have the family support out there with you the whole time?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, it was nice.

Q. What's it like to have them following you around?

NELLY KORDA: It was really nice, got a few claps this week that we haven't had this year, so that was pretty nice.

Q. Overall it's got to be great to have a great major under your belt, a great week here at the ANA. What are your thoughts as you head out?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I'm just going to take positives from this week, know my game is trending upward. I'm just going to continue working hard and see where that takes me.

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